Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Power of The Spiritual Bond Between People and Animals

dogpersonA woman came to me and said “My dog won’t walk with me.  She insists on walking behind me. No matter what I do, she won’t walk with me.  I’ve tried training. I’ve tried to bribe her. I’ve even gotten frustrated and yelled at her, but nothing has helped.”

When I checked in with the dog, the first thing I noticed was that the woman lived in the past.  She spent all of her time thinking about her past experiences, focusing on the things that have happened to her, both good and bad and lived in a dream like space of past time.

I told her this and she was conscious that she lived in the past but did not know how to stop and was surprised to find that this was at the root of her dog’s behavior.  Her commitment to her dog and her dog’s well being was so great though that she committed to working on living in present time.  I gave her the simple exercise of focusing on what she was doing in any given moment.  If she was brushing her teeth she should be thinking “I’m brushing my teeth.”  If she was walking with her dog, she should be thinking “I’m walking with my dog.”

We also worked with some flower essences for both her and her dog.  We used Fairy Lantern and Walnut for both of them which releases one from the past and we used Pink Yarrow for her dog to help her dog stop running her person’s energy.

Flower Essences are a form of vibrational medicine.  The flower is soaked in water and bathed in sunlight which transfers the personality of the flower.  When used, the body is able to shift, release or replace energy states that are out of alignment with our Spiritual Truth, supporting our healing and growth.  Flower Essences are especially supportive to animals and I use them regularly.

Long story short, her dog now walks along side her.

What’s the point of this story?  Animals are teachers, guides and healers for us.  They come into our lives for a specific reason at the right time and they offer us one of the deepest Spiritual agreements we may ever experience.  When we learn what we need to learn they will gracefully and willingly shift and the dynamic of your relationship will shift also.

One more story for you: Two years ago we adopted a senior cat named Christopher.  He’s very attached to me, but hasn’t been so interested in my son Caidin (now 4) or my husband Chuck ( by the way we are a family of “C” names by coincidence).  And Christopher has, since coming into our home, bitten me from time to time; he’s even stalked me and attacked.  I’ve worked with Flower Essences, nutritional supplements, energy work, I’ve spoken to him, but nothing has helped…until last week when I recognized that I have a pattern of needing to learn a lesson over and over again just to prove to myself that I’ve learned something.

So I began noticing when learned lessons presented themselves and instead of engaging the lesson again, I said “I’ve learned this lesson I don’t need to learn it again.” I experienced tremendous energy shifts around releasing this piece and even though I do this work and I know the power energy shifts hold with regard to our relationships with our animals, I was amazed at the shift Christopher had.  He now sits with the family, allows my son to hug him and kiss him (with still the occasional swat to the head – Chuck’s taken to calling him Ali) and he no longer bites me.

One of the precious pieces of this experience is that my first reaction to Christopher’s biting was that he didn’t like me, but instead I realized that he loved me enough to affect his own well-being in order to help me learn, heal and grow.

Our animal friends hold clues to major life breakthroughs for each of us.  Don’t ignore the messages they are giving you.  Dig deep to understand the meaning behind your animal friends’ behavior, the role they play in your life and their needs on all levels.  They are always holding space for our healing and our growth and their commitment to us is never ending.


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