Sunday, February 24, 2013

10 Ways To Naturally Avoid Colds and Flu (...And What To Do When They Come Knocking!)

10 Ways to Naturally Avoid Colds and Flu

Traditional Naturopath and Master Herbalist, Christine Agro shares her insight on using natural remedies to avoid colds and flu and offers tips and recipes to help you speed your recovery, should you get sick. She shares information for both you and your child because as mom to a now 8 year old, she understands the importance of keeping everyone healthy.

50 Ways to Live Life Conscious: 8 Tools and 42 Concepts to Help You Wake-Up and Live

50 Ways To Live Life Consciously

"Life is a journey. Spiritual evolution is a spiral. Living a conscious life puts you in the driver’s seat of your own magnificently spiraling journey." Christine Agro We've been asleep at the wheel of our lives and the time is now to wake-up and start steering! In this inspirational book, metaphysical expert Christine Agro shares 8 simple yet powerful tools, life changing insight into why we are here and how our lives work, as well as 42 concepts that encourage and support conscious living.

Winter Wisteria Mandala Meditation

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Icy Rain Rose Hip Mandala 3

Icy Rain Rose Hip Mandala 3
Icy Rain Rose Hip Mandala 3
24 in x 24 in
Digitally Manipulated Photograph
Christine Agro

The Rose Hip is a symbol of strength, nourishment and nurturing. In winter, after the beauty of the rose is long gone, the rose hip provides a healthy source of food for animals when food is oftentimes scarce.

The rain drops provide a prism through which our own lives are magnified and reflected back to us.

Meditate on this mandala to gain insight into your own life and find strength in your own self-nourishment.

Winter Cattail Mandala Mosaic - Find Peace and Abundance

Winter Cattail Mandala 6 MosaicWinter Cattail Mandala 6 Mosaic
4 FT x 4 FT Wall Mosaic
(also available as photographic prints 8.5 x 8.5, 24 x 24, 48 x 48)
Digitally Manipulated Photograph

The Cattail brings peace and prosperity.

The cattail can support and smooth over any rough edges within your relationship whether you give it or receive it. In the same vain, it is a gift of prosperity, whether received or given.

The winter cattail is a reminder that even in the depth of winter there is softness and openness and in its billowy presence, that there is abundance.

Meditate on the Winter Cattail Mandala for peace and prosperity especially when things seem bleak.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ponderings: How do we know if it is Manifestation or Precognition?

My morning dwelling -

We have a pantry with a hatch that goes to the basement where the washer and dryer are. If Polly, a 14 1/2 year old French Bulldog we are caring for,  is in the kitchen, I close the door to the pantry before I go downstairs as I fear with her inability to manage her back end and her infinite curiosity that she will fall down the stairs.

A few days ago I thought 'what would I do if somehow she got herself in front of the pantry door so that I couldn't open it and got stuck in the pantry? This morning, it wasn't Polly blocking the door but a box with potatoes that fell and made it so that I couldn't get the door open

Everything Connected

Snowy Wisteria Vine

I use photographs of nature to create mandalas (a means of connecting us to the cosmos).

This piece is a 8.5 FT x 2.5 FT banner, includes the words...'everything  connected' and is a mandala made out of wisteria vines. Wisteria tendrils grow out in a spiraling fashion, mirroring the spiraling expansion of consciousness. This mandala reminds us that all things are connected - from our thoughts to our actions.