Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Animals Hold A Natural Ability To Heal

Over the years, animals have shared many amazing insights into how we as humans impact our own health and wellness.

The very first lesson was powerful and awe-inspiring.  Two different animals showed me that the body has a natural ability to heal.  Both humans and animals can tap into this innate ability, but by far animals tap into more readily and more often.

Dis-ease starts as energy.  Dis-ease manifests into something physical or tangible so that we can see the energy and clear it. When we are supported through natural measures, the body, energetic or physical, can then realign itself and healing happens.

The first two animals I worked with, one was a cat and the other a dog, demonstrated their amazing connection to their body and this natural ability to self-heal.

Simon Perry was my very first animal reading.  Prior to Simon, I had been working solely with people.  At the end of a reading I was doing for his person, she said to me “I know we are at the end of our time, but do you think you could look at Simon Perry?”  And honestly, I had not idea.  But I went back to my training, cleared all the negative and anxious thoughts and prepared my reading space as I would for a person.  Up came Simon Perry with all sorts of information to share.  Simon had a terrible ‘food allergy’ and he could only eat cooked chicken and rice.  If he ate anything else, his face would erupt with open sores.

The first thing I noticed was that Simon Perry had all the same elements that I would see with a person – he had Spiritual agreements, he had chakras or energy centers, he had different energy bodies.  Like many humans, he was holding energy for others, and that energy was influencing his physical body.

I did a complete reading of him, talking about what energy he was holding and why and then had one of my healing guides go through his body and do whatever was necessary to help Simon Perry.  I remember seeing large gelatin like balls being pulled from Simon’s lymphatic system.  Once my healing guide finished, I closed the reading space.  I had no attachment to this process, which is one of the necessary components in supporting the natural healing ability.  I offer a means to see the energy and move it, but it is the individual who does the work.

Simon Perry greatly improved overnight.  But there was still a residual of the ‘allergy’ energy.  So we did one more session, moved more energy and today he is allergy free and able to eat whatever he chooses.

The second animal I worked with was a dog named Sysco.  He had a tumor in his chest and his outlook was not good.  I had been doing work with his person, we’ll call her ‘Jan’.  She called me and said “Do you think a reading with you would help?” In truth I didn’t know, but having just experienced, a week earlier, the amazing grace and ease with which Simon Perry released energy and information; I knew Sysco would benefit form the reading one way or another.

So I met with Sysco.  Set up my reading space and again the information flowed.  Sysco was carrying energy for his people.  They had experience a loss and Sysco, as many animals will do, was supporting their healing by holding their grief and sorrow energy.  This grief and sorrow manifested into the physical as the tumor in his chest.

The more I delved into the energy, I realized that Sysco was mirroring Jan.  Jan was running the grief of her husband in an effort to help him heal.  I explained this to her and most importantly, that running her husband’s energy did not take his pain away; he still needed to process it and deal with it on his own, only now they both were carrying it.  She understood what I was explaining and vowed to be conscious of this dynamic.

We then turned back to Sysco.  I explained to him that his job was done.  He had brought this to Jan’s attention so he could let go of the energy if he chose.   I then did some energy healing work, helping him to release.  After the reading, Jan also spent time talking to Sysco about her own Spiritual work and growth, letting him know that she had heard his message.

A week later at a follow-up vet visit, the tumor was gone.  The vet was perplexed. I on the other hand was in awe of Sysco’s ability to heal himself.  Once the energy was addressed and the information shared, he easily let it go.  It was amazing to me that animals, unlike humans, don’t associate with their dis-ease states.  They don’t label them, or buy into them as life altering conditions.  What they know is that something is out of balance.  Point out where that imbalance is, share the information that supports the growth of their human, provide the means to support the natural healing ability and they are happy to heal.

The only time healing doesn't occur is when the dis-ease state is part of an animal’s way of leaving this world, and they are quick to let me know that.  We all need a way to transition from this body, so if that is the purpose of the dis-ease state, readings and energy work can still be a great support, but we can’t, nor should we try to, change Spirit’s process.

We can all learn a great lesson from our animal friends about our attachment to dis-ease.  Dis-ease begins as energy.  Left unaddressed it manifests into something tangible that we have to look at.  But if you remember that at its root the dis-ease state is comprised of energy, you seek to understand that energy and you release your control and fear of that energy, you too can tap into your natural ability to heal.

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