Thursday, December 27, 2012

Delhi and Connecticut; Is There a Connection?


As individuals we can refuse to heed the gentle messages being sent to us from a higher source that our lives are moving in the wrong direction or are out of alignment with our true life plan. That higher source for you may be God, The Universe or as in my belief, your own Spirit. If we refuse to listen to these gentle messages, the messages get louder and louder until we can’t ignore them. The loudest messages have a ‘rip the rug out from under you’ dynamic. They are messages that tell us that change not only needs to happen, but will happen.

Take the person whose life is moving in the wrong direction. The messages start small with minor inconveniences and discomforts; something may be lost or delayed or maybe there is a short bout with illness to force a slowdown. If left unheeded, the messages get louder with blocks and resistances showing up until eventually there is something cataclysmic that forces the person to change against what appears to be their own will. Maybe they lose their job, or they are in an accident or they experience a life changing illness.

I believe that we are microcosms to the macrocosm – so the way in which our lives unfold and our life lessons are learned, is a microcosm to the greater whole. As a collective we are also working on learning collective life lessons about living together, sharing the planet and honoring her resources (the microcosm of this is learning our individual life lessons and honoring our physical form and its resources.)

In my quest to further see and understand the ‘why’ I’ve been looking at what the string of tragic events in the United States and the uproar in Delhi have to do with our greater life lessons. Why is gun violence escalating in the United States and why is rape and abuse against women a reoccurring problem in India?

I believe each geographic location collectively has their own collective life lessons to learn, the lessons are similar but due to cultural differences, the way in which we are sent our collective message that change is needed show up in different ways.

In the United States, the need for change is multilevel. It is not just about gun control; it’s about something much more systemic and about a disconnect that’s occurred in terms of what is important to us. I write often about the impact energy and information has on our thoughts, our emotions, our ability to live in alignment. Violent images, callous television shows and harsh angry music, it all changes how we respond to our world and it changes what we will accept. It disconnects us from our spiritual source. Add to this that somewhere along the lines our families have fallen apart. We are all so busy surviving that many of us have lost the importance of our role as wife, husband, father, mother, sister and brother. Children after all spend a good deal of their time at school and when they are not in school they are connected to a curious world through television and on-line society.

In the United States, we are missing, at a collective level, an honoring of humanity and this is what these tragedies are trying to get us to learn and to change. We are being asked to create fundamental change in almost everything we do from education to medicine. We can no longer let children slip through the cracks whether it is emotionally or mentally or physically. We can no longer turn a blind eye to homelessness and hunger. As adults we need to recognize the harmful effects of too much television, an addiction to video games, and the entertainment-izing of violence. For me, there is nothing entertaining about playing a game that revolves around killing and there shouldn’t be for our children either. And we need to remember that real connection, real community is powerful and life affirming.

In India the recent brutal rape and beating of a woman and a man on a private bus has people protesting in the streets for change with regard to rape laws in India. But again there is a deeper collective life lesson at hand here. This is not the first situation like this to occur in India. This past summer a girl was molested by a group of men on the street after leaving a bar and this incident created an outcry as well.  So what is the collective lesson that is emerging in India?  It is one that requires people to change their understanding of human value; to see people as individually powerful and to remove the societal binds that limit one gender or one class. It is a life changing lesson.

Both of these larger lessons are about a collective move forward in terms of being human and living life consciously. These are wake-up calls to create our lives differently and if these two most life shattering experiences have not pushed us beyond the point of no-return, I can guarantee you we will continue to be given louder and louder messages until we can no longer ignore the need to create real and lasting change.

We are not in this alone, collectively whether in the US or in India or anywhere else in the world where the carpet is being pulled out from under us; we are together in this quest for real change.

Do not hesitate to speak up and to work for change externally, but also remember as microcosms of the macrocosm, our internal change can and does create real and lasting external change

© 2012 – 2013 Christine Agro

Christine Agro is a clairvoyant and a Metaphysical Expert. She is the author of 50 Ways to Live Life Consciously and in 2013 she is launching a worldwide, yearlong program – The Ripple Effect Project: 365 Days of Positive Thought, 52 Small but Powerful Actions, 42 Life Changing Experiential Classes.

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