Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thoughts From My Shower: Money and Manifesting

Today’s “Thoughts From My Shower” focuses on money and manifesting. This month, as in many months, I found myself, not worrying, but definitely not flowing around and within my money space. Toward the end of the month as I again got to the bottom of my checking account I energetically threw my hands up and said “fine, I’m done worrying about this. I’m either where I’m supposed to be or I am not.” The minute I did that, I felt the energy shift in my space and wouldn’t you know it…money flowed.

It got me thinking about creating and manifesting the things we need and the things we want. And while in the shower I found myself reflecting on both the reoccurring pattern in my money space  as well as on a time when we created with a beautiful sense of flow the life we have today. In 2009 my husband, son and I undertook the journey of manifesting our own home. We started on January 01, 2009 with a joint statement of what we wanted to create for ourselves and for our family. As the year moved on, everything fell into place. The down payment was in place, we found the perfect school for Caidin, we found the perfect home and we had the resources to buy two cars that were required if we were to live in this new location. Throughout the entire process we never felt stressed or like we needed to do anything, we allowed the process to flow because we knew that if it didn’t we wouldn’t be moving. It was that simple. This is what we wanted, but if it didn’t happen, we were fine where we were.

By now you are probably thinking that this was one long shower, but insight takes much longer to explain then it does to gather.

So as I was contemplating this in the shower what I saw was this – when we try to hold on to what we have and have a fear that it will go away, our manifestation space is constricted and the things that allow us to live the way we desire, to create what we need and to have what we want cannot squeeze through the energetically tiny and constricted space we try to push them through.

As soon as we let go of the fear, life flows.

To create and manifest in this way, to LIVE in this way takes either Trust and Faith or Certainty and Knowingness. Trust and Faith is a space in which we have the belief that we will be provided for, where Certainty and Knowingness is immersed in the personal awareness and total ownership that your life is yours to create. The way in which we shift from one to the other is also part of our Spiritual growth.

Take a look at your own life and see if you can find a similar dynamic of holding on to what you have through the fear that it will go away, and see if you can make the shift to allowing what will be, to be.

I believe when we do this, it is then that our ability to create whatever we desire will flow with the grace and ease of the Feminine Principle.

Christine Agro is The Metaphysical Feminist. She is a clairvoyant and metaphysical expert with profound insight into the ‘how, why and what-for’ of our lives. Water has always been a drawing and clarifying agent for Christine and she has gathered amazing metaphysical knowledge while in the shower.  Be sure to visit her at www.fullyempowered.net for “Insight From The Metaphysical Feminist” as well as what’s new in “Thoughts From My Shower”.

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