Monday, June 27, 2011

Why Women Are Born Empowered

By Christine Agro

I was meditating one day and I took a journey to the Temple of Knowledge.   The Temple of Knowledge appeared to me as a great stone structure with corridors leading in many directions.  Within the Temple of Knowledge, all teachers past, present and future have teaching rooms. Along the corridors there were rooms too many to count, and peaking inside a few I would find people gathered and learning.

As I walked along I came to a beautiful Healing Garden and stopped to sit in it for a while. It was full of lush green plants, a pool to reflect in or float in, and the smell of fragrant flowers filled the air.  As I rested in the Healing Garden, I could feel the energies shift and clear in my own body, making me lighter and more at ease.  While there I asked "why was I brought here?"  I was compelled to get up and leave the Healing Garden and I followed the energetic pull to a strikingly beautiful altar.  The altar was surrounded by what looked like silver and gold filigree but with a closer look, I saw that it was silver and gold flowers, unlike any I had ever seen. Upon the alter stood the Divine Feminine, dressed in a deep rich purple robe adorned with the same silver and gold filigree.  She was wearing a jewel encrusted crown and without even questioning it, I knew that each stone was used to support the energy of the divine feminine.  Garnet for peace, healing and protection; Ruby for passion and guidance; Emerald for wisdom and hope; Amethyst for Divine Knowledge; Peridot for patience and purpose and Citrine for abundance and manifesting .

I asked her why I was there and she opened her robe and gave me three keys.  She told me that these were the keys to unlock the true power of woman, the powers of "Divine Being" ,"Divine Connection" and "Divine Knowingness"

This was several years ago and the meaning and purpose of the meditation has become clearer and clearer as my work with women has continued.  In my search to understand the keys, the meaning of the first key has defined itself.

The key of Divine Being rests in this single most empowering concept: We chose to be women!

Let this sit with you for a minute or two.  We chose to be women.

As I have delved deeper and deeper into our metaphysical being, I have come to see and understand that before we are even born, when we are still pure Spirit, we decide what form we want to take this lifetime - male or female. It is one of the first choices we make for the life we are creating. This information has come from working with women who are trying to conceive and during our sessions I have been able to connect with the Spirits of their soon-to-be child and learn from these Spirits what our process is.  The choice to be man or woman is one of our first choices.

And in making the choice to be woman, we are inherently empowered.  It is our Divine Being.  This is the first key to unlocking the true power of women.

Everything that says we are less, or limited, or unequal is a manifestation of  the Masculine Principle, the energy force that currently informs most of the worlds law and religion.  Masculine Principle does not mean 'man', it is an energy construct comprised of linear thinking, control and outward focus of energy.

Although we live in the environments we find ourselves, the key of Divine Being, can and does empower you from within.  Knowing that you are a woman because you choose to be, can give you the power to say 'no thank you' to the laws, rules and restrictions which are man-made.  We are not less, we are not limited, we are Divinely Woman!

We have many gifts and attributes that come with this choice and in future posts I will explore these with you.

But for now, let the notion that you chose to be a woman radiate through your entire being - your body, your energy field, and be sure to let me know if and how this changes how you walk in your world.


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