Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Crocus Mandalas - Meditate on Joy, Happiness and Youthfulness

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Brain Washing of America: Food- We Are Asleep (In Response to a Recent NY Daily News Article)

This morning my husband sent me a link to this article over at The Daily News: Park Slope Food Coop And The Holy Kale  and it really annoyed me. Not only is the article poorly sourced, and clearly one-sided in its opinion, but in reading the comments, I find it amazing that people have such a need to attack those who choose healthy over unhealthy.

In the article, as evidence of the co-ops 'elitist' clientele (read: eating healthy means your an elitist and I'll get to this in a minute) the writer cites a 4 year old having a melt down because his parents won't buy him papaya spears. Here's the thing: go into any grocery store and you'll find at least one 4 year old having a melt down because his or her parent won't get them something but usually it's Oreos, a candy bar or a bag of chips. How wonderful that these parents have made papaya spears more attractive and that dried papaya is the object of the child's desire rather than something with empty calories.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Raw Sunflower Pâté

Mmmm - Sunflower Pâté 

Here's how I made it:

  • 1/2 cup of raw hulled Sunflower seeds soaked in water for 8-12 hours, let sit out for 4 more to sprout
  • 1/2 lemon juiced
  • pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • pinch of cayenne
  • 1/4 bunch of fresh parsley 
  • then I added a few sprigs of fresh Rosemary and a few sprigs of fresh thyme.

Blend in a food processor until it is the consistency of pate. 

I ate it just like this, but it would make a great dip or spread or would be wonderful as a topping for a salad.

(PS if you think you're going to like it double or triple the recipe, you'll like it that much!)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Relationship Déjà Vu?

Relationship Déjà Vu?

Have you ever wondered why you seem to manifest the same type of relationship time and time again?  Maybe it starts out different, but by the end, you feel like you’re in relationship déjà vu.  Looking at this phenomenon from a Spiritual perspective will offer you great insight into what lessons you are trying to learn.

Throughout my years of working with people on their relationship dynamics I have had the opportunity to see that within relationships we often play one of several roles that shed light on key pieces of our personal growth and offer us opportunities to heal ourselves.  There are several roles but two of the most common are The Healer and The Chameleon. 

Why Do We Have Relationships?

Why Do We Have Relationships?

Relationships, whether as expansive as our connection to each and every person on this planet, or the most intimate of our personal relationships, offer a key way in which we learn our spiritual life lessons.  Self validation, compassion, patience, trust, self worth; you name it, whatever we have signed up to learn this lifetime, we unconsciously use relationships to explore, heal and grow.

Relationships become fascinating when we consider “what is it that I am trying to learn or heal by connecting with this person?”  When we begin to see relationships in this context we start to take responsibility for what is going on in our relationship and we come to recognize that we always have a choice to engage or disengage from energy and dynamics.

As you come to understand just what it is that you are working on whether with an individual or with a group you can empower yourself to do your work without the drama that often accompanies our relationships. Then our relationships become effortless, joyful and enjoyable.  You will no longer need someone else to trigger or activate areas within yourself in order to learn and heal.

How Do I Know What I’m Working On?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Snowy Wisteria Mandala Meditation

The photo for this mandala
was taken on Valentine's day.

On this day
the Wisteria was
speaking to us about love!

The Wisteria Vine is connected
to our Spiritual Awareness and
Cosmic Consciousness.

In this mandala meditation focus on the
energies of joy, unity, expansion and love.
Personally, I can't help
but smile when I sit with this meditation.