Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ponderings: How do we know if it is Manifestation or Precognition?

My morning dwelling -

We have a pantry with a hatch that goes to the basement where the washer and dryer are. If Polly, a 14 1/2 year old French Bulldog we are caring for,  is in the kitchen, I close the door to the pantry before I go downstairs as I fear with her inability to manage her back end and her infinite curiosity that she will fall down the stairs.

A few days ago I thought 'what would I do if somehow she got herself in front of the pantry door so that I couldn't open it and got stuck in the pantry? This morning, it wasn't Polly blocking the door but a box with potatoes that fell and made it so that I couldn't get the door open
- the box got locked in place by the one stool which was locked in place by the other stool. With some force I pushed the door open.

But here is what I'm dwelling on (as it isn't only this one instance) ...did my thoughts manifest the situation, or was it precognition? I have both abilities.  As I'm reflecting on it, in this case I think it was precognition. What I am seeing is that the two are very different energetically.

But I know there are times when I have thought something and it happens. I think there are great lessons in this in terms of conscious thought and intention. I can feel something shifting in me as I write this, which is always an indication of a change afoot.

I'm reminded of being at my Mom's and really wanting chocolate. Not minutes later, the front doorbell rang and there was a little girl selling chocolate bars. This was manifestation.

Understanding which is which in any given experience, requires both reflecting on your experiences and questioning did I know or did I create and also beginning to question these moments as they are happening.

Conscious living is so fascinating and rich. The deeper you delve the more you will begin to see that what you thought you knew, you may not; what you thought was impossible, isn't; what you thought something meant, may be something completely different. The more conscious you are, the more you will see that there are nuances in words and experiences and although what first appears as nuances will actually be like the difference between night and day. This is what will help you learn, grow and heal.

If you want to wake-up your conscious ability - consider reading my book '50 Ways to Live Life Consciously' or better yet, sign up for my next Tools To Live By course (send me a note via the contact form for the next start date and more information about the course.)

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