Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thoughts From My Shower: All My Life's a Spiral

Thoughts From My Shower: All My Life’s a Spiral

The Harry Chapin song has been running in my head since I started looking at this but instead of “All My Life’s a Circle” I’ve got “All My Life’s a Spiral” playing.

I was in the shower and I was looking at how I create and manifest. I have been aware of a flow and ebb dynamic. It’s a dynamic that I talk about often. (Love the Flow, Embrace the Ebb!) I’ll come up with an idea or a project and begin to bring it to life and then at some point there’s an ebb and the energy seems to stop moving forward. I’ve learned to shift my focus to something else when this happens. Inevitably though, at some point, the project will begin to flow again. When it does, I pick it up where I left off and continue moving forward.

Next I found myself contemplating a dynamic that is made very evident in my conversation space, particularly with women. It’s the Spiral Conversation. We begin talking about one thing, and then move on to something else, then touch on the original thing, then off to something else, then touch on the first and second thing. It’s a communication style that drives my husband crazy because once he leaves a topic, he’s left it.

During one of my on-line chats with FEMSocial members I noticed that we were all doing this. There were several conversations going at once and everyone was participating in all of them at one point or another, and at no point did we get lost in the conversation (or if we did, we laughed and said ‘wait, what was that’ so that we could pick up the spiral again).

When I looked at this I could see the conversation happening on a spiral, it wasn’t a linear/straight line conversation. It was several conversations that spiraled off of the primary conversation space, which was also a spiral. As we moved along the conversations they would touch the primary conversation and then continue spiraling out, just as the primary conversation space was spiraling out as well. Everyone in the conversation had the ability to access any point along any of the spirals at any given time, which is what kept the conversation moving and allowed each of us to stay connected to the concepts and ideas that were being shared.

As I explored this notion of spirals this morning I saw that all of my life is a spiral; whether it’s conversations or projects or life in general – it all operates on spiral paths. When I look at the projects I am manifesting they are spirals that touch my spiral of life and then continue spiraling in their creation until they touch my spiral of life again. At some point the spiral of the project touches the spiral of  my life and merges to come to fruition.

Not a lot of people know this, but I have three books finished and two partially completed. None are published, they've come close and then ebbed again, but these books are on spirals of creations. Energy moves around them as they touch my spiral of life and then the energy ebbs, but at least two of these books are converging to a full manifestation in the next three months.

I have many projects like this – a movie, a play, two radio networks, membership sites, my work with animals, parents, children, women - and in the past I would feel reluctant to talk about all these ideas and projects that are ‘in motion’ because people just thought I was talking 'pie-in-the-sky'. But today I understand that this is how I create. I Spiral Create. I also understand that these projects will manifest in their completeness when the time is right. As someone who can see along the spiral of life, I have always thought that I was ahead of myself. Now I understand that I have just seen the creation process in motion. I know that what I started 8 years ago, or 4 years ago or yesterday will eventually come to fruition, when the time is right, when my spiral of creation merges with my spiral of life.

As if this wasn’t enough, I decided to apply this information to my money space. My money space is the only area of my life that is not a spiral. It is linear, from point A to point B. As I looked at it I changed it and made it a spiral that works in harmony with my life spiral. I’m eager to see how this changes things. But it makes sense if you think about. If we see money as a linear construct in a world that we otherwise see as spiral, the money space is completely out of sync. A linear money space is like my husband trying to understand the Spiral conversation- it can’t keep track of what we are doing, what we are talking about or what we are trying to create.

As the Feminine Principle continues to reactivate and anchor into the earth living and creating on Spirals is part of this shift.

Is your life like a spiral?  Do you Spiral Communicate? Do you Spiral Manifest? How about your money space? Linear or Spiral?

Christine Agro is a Metaphysical expert and Clairvoyant. Christine shares her  "Thoughts From My Shower" on ChristineAgro.Com .  Christine is host of Fully Empowered on A2Zen.FM and has many projects spiraling toward completion.

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