Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Live Your Life – Sometimes Easy To Say, But Not To Do

As women we can be confronted with many blocks to living a fully empowered life and please remember I’m not just talking about women in North America. This is women around the world. Laws, religion, culture, society and family all offer blocks for women to live their own life. I call these blocks ‘symptoms of our dis-empowerment’. They are the situations, experiences and beliefs that keep us from truly living our life.

Take a woman living in India - her culture, her family even her religion may say her role, her purpose is to marry. Take a woman living in Jerusalem -her society, her religion tells her she must sit at the back of the bus. Take a woman living in Egypt -her society and laws tell her she cannot vote. Take a woman living in Saudi Arabia - her society and laws say she cannot drive.

Yet in each of these countries woman are claiming their right to live their lives. How do I define ‘right’? I define it as our ability to see within ourselves and within others innate personal value. The ability to not buy into a notion of less, lacking or limit based on gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. To see that laws, rules, guidelines and acceptable mores are subjective based on the influence of those who ultimately benefit by what is established and followed as the truth.

Some women in India are saying ‘no’ to arranged marriages, a woman in Jerusalem refused to move to the back of the bus, women in Egypt are embarking on a suffrage movement, and women in Saudi Arabia challenged the no driving law - driving through the streets this past summer.
But Living Your Life doesn’t come easily or freely. Not for women changing society and laws and not for women who already have certain levels of freedom, yet are still fighting to live their lives.

Take the woman who wants to live life consciously, or the woman who has been in an abusive relationships, or living a life that she has no idea how she got to where she is.
Where the women who are fighting for their rights will undoubtedly face jail, beatings, even loss of life for their decision to Live Their Life; women who want to change their lives, want to live more consciously, want to live as Spirit in a Female body with all the power that comes with that face their own battles. Family members don’t understand, they turn away and feel betrayed, friendships fall apart, life seems to crumble before we can shape it and mold it into what we want.

Living Our Lives as we choose must be a conscious choice as when we step out to create change, for ourselves or for the collective, we upset what has gone before and whether it is a government, a community or our family, we are saying ‘no’ to what has come before.

I believe if we stand in the knowingness that what we choose is our divine right we can navigate the battle with greater ease.

I believe and have seen with clients and students who have made major changes in their own lives, that if we approach our change from a place of neutrality, the ability to ‘not-engage’ the energy and ultimately the ability to validate ourselves for who we are, rather than look to others to validate us, we can navigate our move into Living Our Life.

We will still experience loss as people we love turn their backs on us. We will still experience fear as we let go of that which supported us but to receive that support also demanded that we be less than whole. We will still encounter anger, frustration and sometimes even hatred from those we no longer want to associate with. But if we know our true worth, if we believe in it and embrace it, we will step out into our new life knowing that it is ours to create how we choose, free and clear of all the rules, laws, expectations and needs of society, culture, law, religion and family.

So when we see someone living a life that we deem as ‘less’, before you judge and say “how could she live like that?’ “Why don’t they stand up and fight?” Consider what it means to “Live Your Life”. It doesn’t come easily or free – change requires belief in oneself and the courage to honor that belief inside and out, not matter what the consequences.

Christine Agro, The Metaphysical Feminist, is an internationally recognized Clairvoyant, Inspirational Teacher, Metaphysical Expert and host of the live talk radio show Fully Empowered with Christine Agro which airs on A2ZEN.FM. She is also the founder of the ground-breaking FEMSocial.com – a social network for women, that also offers courses, workshops and video instruction which help empower women. Christine is also the curator of Symptoms of Dis-Empowerment – an on-line project designed to bring awareness to those things women accept as norms, but in reality contribute to our dis-empowerment.

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