Saturday, November 24, 2012

January 1st, 2013 - Ring in The New Year Energetically With ChristineAgro - Tele-Event

[caption id="attachment_1368" align="alignleft" width="300"] Celebration, Ink on Paper, 2010 (c) Christine Agro[/caption]

January 1, 2013 at 9AM ET

Join Christine Agro for her annual 'Ring in The New Year Energetically' event.

Christine shares her insight into what the year ahead holds for us energetically and will walk you through an energetic experience to clear out the past and set the stage for your year ahead.

Participants from past years agree, this is a great way to start the New Year.

Register by December 27, 2012

(This event is part of Journey of a Thousand Women 2012/13- if you are in this course, you do not need to register for this event, just please note there is only one class on January 1st and it is at 9:00 AM ET, not 9:30.)

December 21, 2012 - Be a Part of The Shift - Tele-Event

December 21, 2012 at 6AM ET

On December 21, 2012 there is an important energetic alignment occurring at 11:11 AM GMT (6:11 AM ET) that will help the planet and all of us on the Earth to further shift into the new earth vibration.

This new vibration embraces the Divine Feminine principles of grace, ease, cooperation, awareness, community, spiral motion, abundance and expansion.

The women in Journey of a Thousand Women have been working all year to create powerful shifts within themselves. On December 21, 2012 we will come together for a special energetic class to help anchor into the planet and into humanity this new energy.

We invite you to join us for this powerful moment in time.

No experience is necessary, only the willingness to be present for this moment and an openness to create change within and without.

There is a small fee for this event of $15 (Students of JOATW this is part of our class, there is no fee for you.)

Please register by December 15, 2012.

40 Days To Creating More: Tele-Course

This is one of Christine's most popular courses and she only offers it once a year (Although in 2012 year she didn't offer it at all.)

Using a combination of Mantra, Energy Work and Coaching, Christine helps you create a whole new way of manifesting the life you desire.

Based on her well-known and well-regarded process of digging for the root of energies and information, Christine helps you both see and embrace your ability to create and  manifest in a wholly different way.

This program has nothing to do with visualization or the law of attraction, it is grounded in understanding the way in which you currently 'try' to manifest, why this often doesn't work and offers you a new effortless way to approach creating the life you desire.

The course meets once weekly over the course of seven weeks.

The program begins Thursday, January 11th and runs through February 21st, 2013.

Right now there is one session scheduled at 9AM ET.

Registration closes January 2nd and class work will begin the week prior to our first actual class on January 11th with two email assignments.

Cost for new students: $108

Register today (registration closes January 2nd)

Returning students take the course again for $40 (please email Christine for a paypal link)