Thoughts From My Shower: All My Life’s a Spiral
The Harry Chapin song has been running in my head since I started looking at this but instead of “All My Life’s a Circle” I’ve got “All My Life’s a Spiral” playing.
I was in the shower and I was looking at how I create and manifest. I have been aware of a flow and ebb dynamic. It’s a dynamic that I talk about often. (Love the Flow, Embrace the Ebb!) I’ll come up with an idea or a project and begin to bring it to life and then at some point there’s an ebb and the energy seems to stop moving forward. I’ve learned to shift my focus to something else when this happens. Inevitably though, at some point, the project will begin to flow again. When it does, I pick it up where I left off and continue moving forward.
Next I found myself contemplating a dynamic that is made very evident in my conversation space, particularly with women. It’s the Spiral Conversation. We begin talking about one thing, and then move on to something else, then touch on the original thing, then off to something else, then touch on the first and second thing. It’s a communication style that drives my husband crazy because once he leaves a topic, he’s left it.