LEGO has been in the news a lot since they unveiled LEGO FREINDS at the beginning of 2012. LEGO FRIENDS are made specifically with girls in mind. Many people are saying ‘what’s the big deal? They’re toys.” or “I don’t see anything wrong with them?” I find many things wrong with LEGO FRIENDS, but many of these same things we can find in so many other toys – subtle messages that tell our girls who they are, what they are capable of and what opportunities are available. That’s why some people feel like ‘so what?’ We are so conditioned to accept programming in our lives, that the action of speaking out about something is increasingly foreign to us.
In an opinion piece by David Horsey in the LA Times entitled “Are Lego Friends the Enemy of American Girls?” he basically says – 'hey they aren’t so bad, I’ve even checked with my feminist daughter who doesn’t seem to mind them.’ (I paraphrase) He goes on to say in his opinion, this isn’t one of the things we should be focused on. I whole-heartedly disagree with him and here's why.