Thursday, December 27, 2012

Delhi and Connecticut; Is There a Connection?


As individuals we can refuse to heed the gentle messages being sent to us from a higher source that our lives are moving in the wrong direction or are out of alignment with our true life plan. That higher source for you may be God, The Universe or as in my belief, your own Spirit. If we refuse to listen to these gentle messages, the messages get louder and louder until we can’t ignore them. The loudest messages have a ‘rip the rug out from under you’ dynamic. They are messages that tell us that change not only needs to happen, but will happen.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Difference Between Fire and Anger

blueflameThere is a difference between Fire and Anger.

I've been looking at it a lot this past week because, well, a lot of people are angry, or is it that they have fire?

Here's how I see the two:

Anger comes from a primitive place within us. For me, I see it rooted in our reptilian brain at the base of our skull, the aspect of our brain which which dictates our most primitive responses. Anger is an energy that overtakes us, taking control of our words, our actions even our body. We are unconscious when we are overcome by anger or as the saying goes 'blinded by anger.' It is an energy that is situated in the head.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Did You Know...?

Did you know that often we unconsciously mirror back the energy and feelings of others, energies like anger and frustration.

It doesn't make us any less responsible for our actions and this mirroring nature only serves to make our lives and the world around us unpleasant and unhappy.

Since we have this natural ability to mirror energy, why not choose to hold a space of love, peace and understanding?

Maybe others will start to mirror that back?

Give it a try - rather than mirroring someone else's bad mood or unhappiness; radiate your own happiness and joy and see if it ripples out to create a difference in the lives of others (and yours).

♥ Christine

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Things I learned this week...

This week I learned that Cardinals live in groups of 8 or 12 during the winter, but during the spring they are territorial. The male Cardinal feeds the babies while the female prepares the next nest.

I also learned that Red Squirrels are territorial and many don't survive because of this (they don't find their own territory.)  This being said a mama red squirrel can gift a portion of her territory to her child.

There are ripples in the natural order of things...

...that birds know in the scarcity of winter to work and live together, but in the plenty and 'work'  of spring and summer, to create their own space.

...that squirrels can be giving.

♥  Christine

Saturday, November 24, 2012

January 1st, 2013 - Ring in The New Year Energetically With ChristineAgro - Tele-Event

[caption id="attachment_1368" align="alignleft" width="300"] Celebration, Ink on Paper, 2010 (c) Christine Agro[/caption]

January 1, 2013 at 9AM ET

Join Christine Agro for her annual 'Ring in The New Year Energetically' event.

Christine shares her insight into what the year ahead holds for us energetically and will walk you through an energetic experience to clear out the past and set the stage for your year ahead.

Participants from past years agree, this is a great way to start the New Year.

Register by December 27, 2012

(This event is part of Journey of a Thousand Women 2012/13- if you are in this course, you do not need to register for this event, just please note there is only one class on January 1st and it is at 9:00 AM ET, not 9:30.)

December 21, 2012 - Be a Part of The Shift - Tele-Event

December 21, 2012 at 6AM ET

On December 21, 2012 there is an important energetic alignment occurring at 11:11 AM GMT (6:11 AM ET) that will help the planet and all of us on the Earth to further shift into the new earth vibration.

This new vibration embraces the Divine Feminine principles of grace, ease, cooperation, awareness, community, spiral motion, abundance and expansion.

The women in Journey of a Thousand Women have been working all year to create powerful shifts within themselves. On December 21, 2012 we will come together for a special energetic class to help anchor into the planet and into humanity this new energy.

We invite you to join us for this powerful moment in time.

No experience is necessary, only the willingness to be present for this moment and an openness to create change within and without.

There is a small fee for this event of $15 (Students of JOATW this is part of our class, there is no fee for you.)

Please register by December 15, 2012.

40 Days To Creating More: Tele-Course

This is one of Christine's most popular courses and she only offers it once a year (Although in 2012 year she didn't offer it at all.)

Using a combination of Mantra, Energy Work and Coaching, Christine helps you create a whole new way of manifesting the life you desire.

Based on her well-known and well-regarded process of digging for the root of energies and information, Christine helps you both see and embrace your ability to create and  manifest in a wholly different way.

This program has nothing to do with visualization or the law of attraction, it is grounded in understanding the way in which you currently 'try' to manifest, why this often doesn't work and offers you a new effortless way to approach creating the life you desire.

The course meets once weekly over the course of seven weeks.

The program begins Thursday, January 11th and runs through February 21st, 2013.

Right now there is one session scheduled at 9AM ET.

Registration closes January 2nd and class work will begin the week prior to our first actual class on January 11th with two email assignments.

Cost for new students: $108

Register today (registration closes January 2nd)

Returning students take the course again for $40 (please email Christine for a paypal link)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Spiritual Side of Parenting: Tele-Course

January 8th -January 30th, 2013
Tuesdays 11 AM - 12 PM

This is a four week course in which we will explore parenting from a conscious perspective.

What is our role in our child's life?

What does it mean to support our child as a conscious parent?'

During this four week tele-course you will learn about spiritual agreements with our children and explore the ways in which we can guide and support our children in understanding their own life lessons. We will talk about communication styles, life lessons, interactions, teachable moments and more all with a goal to deepen both your connection with your child and your ability to live as a conscious parent.

This class is taught by Tele-Conference.

Tuesday 11 AM - 12 PM ET

Next session begins:

January 8th and runs through January 30th, 2013.
Fee: $49 USD

Please register by December 31st, 2012.

You can use a cellphone or SKYPE for this program. (But a hands-free headset is required, otherwise the entire class gets an echo from your end.)

Classes will be recorded in case you need to miss a class and will be available on the The Conscious Mom's Guide Conscious Parenting Group page for the length of the program.  Your registration for this course includes a two-month membership to TCMG.

Sign up today!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Motivate Your Self-Worth: Tele-Course

Our self-worth is a factor in every relationship we have and since every interaction we have constitutes a relationship, our self-worth is key in living the life we desire.

We have a relationship with our selves. We have a relationship with family, with friends, with loved ones, with co-workers, with our boss. We have a relationship with money, with love and with time.

Every interaction forms a relationship and our self-worth will impact whether these relationships are good, bad, challenging, easy, health or unhealthy.

Self-worth becomes one of the ‘buzz’ words that can mean very little. You may be thinking ‘but I like myself’ so why do I struggle with some of my relationships. Because self-worth is not just about liking your self, self-worth is about valuing yourself, it’s about trusting yourself, it’s about honoring yourself, it’s about believing in your self.

In this powerful 12 week course we will delve deep into our self-worth to release, heal, honor, embrace, and ignite our self-worth.

You will do the work. You will gain insight and learn tools to help you improve your self-worth.

In addition to class time, please plan on investing an hour a day to practice.  You will also need a hands-free headset.

This course is taught via tele-conference.

There are no pre-requirements for this course.

This course is broken into two six weeks sessions.


Fee $600


One payment of $600

Auto-payment plan: Two payments of $300 

Auto-payment plan: Three payments of $200



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fear of Dying? Or Is It Something Else?

Lately I've been having these 'death' thoughts come up. Strange as it may seem, these tend to come up as I'm approaching a major shift or step in my own Spiritual growth.

It may seem odd, and in unconsciousness, it would be down right scary, but I'm able to see through the fear to understand there is something much deeper going on here. Any aspect of growth is really a 'death'. It is the dying off of the old so that we can grow anew.

Nevertheless, I have fears rising to the surface all around this sense of death.

Instead of pushing it away, I chose to do what I always tell you to do. I chose to pick the energy apart to see just exactly what was in the fear.

Thoughts From My Shower: Money and Manifesting

Today’s “Thoughts From My Shower” focuses on money and manifesting. This month, as in many months, I found myself, not worrying, but definitely not flowing around and within my money space. Toward the end of the month as I again got to the bottom of my checking account I energetically threw my hands up and said “fine, I’m done worrying about this. I’m either where I’m supposed to be or I am not.” The minute I did that, I felt the energy shift in my space and wouldn’t you know it…money flowed.

Monday, September 24, 2012

You Can Run For Election, You Can Vote…If You Can Get There

When I read the news that women in Saudi Arabia had been given the right to both run for election and vote without the approval of a male guardian, I was at first excited and then I felt like I was revisiting that famous Seinfeld episode with the rental car. “You know how to take the reservation. You just don’t know how to hold the reservation.”

Under Construction

Hi! my site is currently being redesigned to make it easier for you to access all the many ways in which I choose to support your conscious growth and healing. Relationships, health and wellness, conception, pregnancy, parenting, animals, transitions - these are all elements of our life.

Check back or join my email list to find out when my new site is complete.

In the meantime, if you want to set up an appointment please email me at christine  at  christineagro  dot   com.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Motivate Your Self-Worth - 12 Week Tele-course

Our self-worth is a factor in every relationship we have and since every interaction we have constitutes a relationship, our self-worth is key in living the life we desire.

We have a relationship with our selves. We have a relationship with family, with friends, with loved ones, with co-workers, with our boss. We have a relationship with money, with love and with time.

Every interaction forms a relationship and our self-worth will impact whether these relationships are good, bad, challenging, easy, health or unhealthy.

Self-worth becomes one of the 'buzz' words that can mean very little. You may be thinking 'but I like myself' so why do I struggle with some of my relationships. Because self-worth is not just about liking your self, self-worth is about valuing yourself, it's about trusting yourself, it's about honoring yourself, it's about believing in your self.

In this powerful 12 week course we will delve deep into our self-worth to release, heal, honor, embrace, and ignite our self-worth.

You will do the work. You will gain insight and learn tools to help you improve your self-worth.

In addition to class time, please plan on investing an hour a day to practice.  You will also need a hands-free headset.

This course is taught via tele-conference.

There are no pre-requirements for this course.

This course is broken into two six weeks sessions.

Wednesday October 3 - November 7th  8pm - 9pm ET

Wednesday November 28 - January 3rd 8pm - 9pm ET

Fee $600


One payment of $600

Auto-payment plan: Two payments of $300 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Tools To Live By" 6 week Tele-Course begins Monday, June 4th

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We have tools for building, tools for gardening, tools for effective communication, and tools for managing our business. Why? Because it allows us to be in the driver seat, to manage our experiences, and to generate more form our experiences and efforts.

Tools To Live By (TM) offers you simple tools that when used daily can and will change your life. We understand the need to manage externally, now it's time to understand and gain the benefits of learning to manage internally.

In this class you will learn to manage your energy, your space, your emotions, your experiences and your relationships.

You'll learn six simple tools that when combined create a powerful space from which you can create positive change in your life.

Tools To Live By (TM) is a six week course that meets once a week. There are two sessions (Mondays at 11 AMT ET or 8 pm ET) making it easier for people with different needs to attend the class that works with their timezone and personal life demands.

This class is experiential, like all of Christine's work, which means you won't be simply listening, you will be learning tools and exploring them in each and every class.

This is not a magic potion though. What you gain from this class will be directly connected to your desire to shift and grow, and your commitment to use the tools daily for up to an hour, once we get into the class.

So, if you are ready to learn how to manage from the inside out, ready to get your life flowing and ready to create conscious change in your life sign-up for the next Tools To Live By (TM) course now!

All classes are taught via Tele-Conference.  You can call-in or Skype in.  Cellphones are not recommended.  Your regular long-distance charges will apply. It is highly recommended that you use a headset (not ear buds with the teeny tiny cellphone mic)  for this class.  It enables your hands to be free, your body to be comfortable and your voice to be heard and it tends to eliminate echos on the line.

This class is recommended if you plan on taking Christine's 12 Month Clairvoyant and Conscious Living Program in the Fall of 2012.

BONUS - Sign-up for Tools to Live By and receive a complimentary 6 month membership in The Conscious Living Guide membership site (weekly meditations, monthly ASK Christine on-line chats and more...) And get 50 Ways To Live Life Consciously as a gift!

The Next Tools To Live By(TM) Course

Begins Monday, June 4th at

11 AM ET or 8 pm ET class

Fee $300

Sign up today!

Choose Your Class Time

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thoughts From My Shower: The War on Women - What's Really Going On

Thoughts From My Shower: The War on Women – What’s Really Going On

By Christine Agro

As I stepped into the shower today I was contemplating ‘The War on Conservative Women’, a commentary that Michelle Malkin, self-proclaimed conservative syndicated journalist, wrote today.

Ever since I read it early this morning I’ve felt that inner percolation that comes with a major piece of awareness. It isn’t that Ms Malkin is a conservative, or that she herself is a name-caller, what is bothering me is that again, still, women are pitted against each other. In her commentary she explains that she’s been called worse than a ‘slut’, referencing Rush Limbaugh’s outrageous labeling of Georgetown student Sandra Fluke who last week testified before a Democratic hearing on Women’s Health and Contraception.

The implication is ‘get over it’ as she goes on to pull out past degrading remarks made about conservative women. Always nice to add salt to wounds mind you.

So as I stepped into the shower still mulling this commentary over it led me to think about the bigger picture with regard to the current environment women are experiencing. Here’s what I saw: All the uprising around the world, the battle being waged with, for and by women in the United States – all of this is raising the boiling point to where, as Spirit in female bodies, we hopefully will choose to break the collective agreement we have been playing out for centuries. That agreement: to down play our innate power and accept living in a world that is sorely out of balance with the Masculine Principle informing everything from laws to religious edicts to social and cultural mores and worse where we accept what comes from that imbalance.

Many of us have experienced those moments in our lives where it takes the pure inner fire of ‘enough-is-enough’ to create change in our own lives. Whether it’s ending a relationship or taking that step to assert yourself. It is the inner fire of ‘this is not ok’ that burns through the unconscious agreement that had you locked into a certain way of being.

Today I saw that this is what is happening. We are being pushed to the brink of ‘enough-is-enough’ and ‘this-is-not-ok’ and I hope that enough frustration, anger, and outrage will build so that we can and do finally break this unconscious collective agreement.

Let the Feminine Principle rise up and create a healthy balance with the Masculine Principle. Let us be who we truly are, instead of who we agreed to be centuries ago.

Christine Agro is The Metaphysical Feminist. She is the Founder of a unique social networking site for women that offers both a community and experiential classes and courses that help empower women. Christine is also curating the on-line project Symptoms of Dis-Empowerment and hosts Fully Empowered – a live talk radio show heard on A2Zen.FM

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thoughts From My Shower: All My Life's a Spiral

Thoughts From My Shower: All My Life’s a Spiral

The Harry Chapin song has been running in my head since I started looking at this but instead of “All My Life’s a Circle” I’ve got “All My Life’s a Spiral” playing.

I was in the shower and I was looking at how I create and manifest. I have been aware of a flow and ebb dynamic. It’s a dynamic that I talk about often. (Love the Flow, Embrace the Ebb!) I’ll come up with an idea or a project and begin to bring it to life and then at some point there’s an ebb and the energy seems to stop moving forward. I’ve learned to shift my focus to something else when this happens. Inevitably though, at some point, the project will begin to flow again. When it does, I pick it up where I left off and continue moving forward.

Next I found myself contemplating a dynamic that is made very evident in my conversation space, particularly with women. It’s the Spiral Conversation. We begin talking about one thing, and then move on to something else, then touch on the original thing, then off to something else, then touch on the first and second thing. It’s a communication style that drives my husband crazy because once he leaves a topic, he’s left it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why I'm Broken Up About LEGO

The Original LEGOLEGO  has been in the news a lot since they unveiled LEGO FREINDS at the beginning of 2012. LEGO FRIENDS are made specifically with girls in mind. Many people are saying ‘what’s the big deal? They’re toys.” or “I don’t see anything wrong with them?” I find many things wrong with LEGO FRIENDS, but many of these same things we can find in so many other toys – subtle messages that tell our girls who they are, what they are capable of and what opportunities are available. That’s why some people feel like ‘so what?’ We are so conditioned to accept programming in our lives, that the action of speaking out about something is increasingly foreign to us.

In an opinion piece by David Horsey in the LA Times entitled “Are Lego Friends the Enemy of American Girls?” he basically says – 'hey they aren’t so bad, I’ve even checked with my feminist daughter who doesn’t seem to mind them.’ (I paraphrase) He goes on to say in his opinion, this isn’t one of the things we should be focused on.  I whole-heartedly disagree with him and here's why.