I am passionate about finding universal links, discovering core life lessons and exploring the ways in which we unconsciously and consciously can create our lives. When I do readings or teach classes, I often say 'Here's what I see...' so...here's what I see ;-)
Friday, December 30, 2011
You Can Run For Election, You Can Vote...If You Can Get There
By Christine Agro
The Metaphysical Feminist
When I read the news that women in Saudi Arabia had been given the right to both run for election and vote without the approval of a male guardian, I was at first excited and then I felt like I was revisiting that famous Seinfeld episode with the rental car. “You know how to take the reservation. You just don’t know how to hold the reservation.”
Saudi Arabian King Abdullah has lifted the ban on women being able to run for election as well as the ban on women voting, but women are still not allowed to travel, work, study abroad, marry, get divorced or gain admittance to a public hospital without permission from a male guardian.
Hence my Seinfeldian experience. Unless the woman who runs for office actually has the support of the men in her life she can run, but how will she actually hold office? She can’t drive, travel or work for that matter. And Saudi Arabian women have been given the right to vote, but if voting takes place a step outside their doors, unless a man gives permission to travel, they will not be able to exercise this right.
The King might as well have given women the right to fly to the moon. I’m all for ‘something is better than nothing’ but I just can’t see the silver lining in this. King Abdullah has pushed for changes in women’s right, but this seems like a hollow gesture, unless he has a master-mind plan of easing women’s rights slowly into their culture so that it creates limited friction among the ultra conservative. Maybe the case as the lifting of the ban doesn't go into effect until 2015.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
In the meantime – congratulations to the women of Saudia Arabia for winning the right to run for office as well as winning the right to vote. I hope you can freely exercise both.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Redefining Resolution
By Christine Agro
The Metaphysical Feminist
It’s that time of year again – New Year’s Resolution time. Although studies vary, with a range between 75% and 98%, the general consensus is the majority of us fail at fulfilling our New Year’s Resolutions. The same studies lay blame on process, intention, self-help gurus, but maybe the reason we don’t succeed has nothing to do with any of these things. Maybe, our inability to stick with our resolutions has to do with the word itself.
The world resolve has two meanings. As a verb it means to settle or find a solution to a distasteful situation. As a noun it means to have a firm determination to do something. As someone who is always interested in the energy behind words – if you ‘RESOLVE’ (in its verb form) you are sitting in some pretty negative energy. You are resolving to find a solution to an otherwise unpleasant situation. If you have a RESOLVE (in its noun form) to accomplish something – it’s a much more powerful energy. You are committed even determined to manifest what you have set out to do.
So you see, there are two totally different energies for the exact same word. When I hear someone speak of New Year’s Resolutions – almost always what I hear is “I’m resigned that this will always be like this.” Rarely do I hear people speak of resolutions with an impassioned determination to create change in their life. When I do, they undoubtedly succeed.
As with all change in our life, it doesn’t come easy or free. We have to want it and demonstrate that we are willing to do the work to get it. Creating change in our lives is connected to conscious living. If you live unconsciously you eat unconsciously, you speak unconsciously, you work unconsciously and your statements of resolution are words not intentions. When you live consciously everything you do from the food you choose to the words you use to the friends you surround yourself with, everything, becomes a conscious choice.
As we sit at the brink of a new year, what are you determined to change? What do you have a RESOLVE to do this year?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Join Christine Agro For A New Year's Day Meditation
Set The Stage
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Live Your Life – Sometimes Easy To Say, But Not To Do
As women we can be confronted with many blocks to living a fully empowered life and please remember I’m not just talking about women in North America. This is women around the world. Laws, religion, culture, society and family all offer blocks for women to live their own life. I call these blocks ‘symptoms of our dis-empowerment’. They are the situations, experiences and beliefs that keep us from truly living our life.
Take a woman living in India - her culture, her family even her religion may say her role, her purpose is to marry. Take a woman living in Jerusalem -her society, her religion tells her she must sit at the back of the bus. Take a woman living in Egypt -her society and laws tell her she cannot vote. Take a woman living in Saudi Arabia - her society and laws say she cannot drive.
Yet in each of these countries woman are claiming their right to live their lives. How do I define ‘right’? I define it as our ability to see within ourselves and within others innate personal value. The ability to not buy into a notion of less, lacking or limit based on gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. To see that laws, rules, guidelines and acceptable mores are subjective based on the influence of those who ultimately benefit by what is established and followed as the truth.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Hottest Woman of All Time Perpetuates Measuring Stick Mentality
Hottest Woman of All Time Perpetuates Measuring Stick Mentality
By Christine Agro
Men’s Health Magazine recently named Jennifer Aniston The Hottest Woman of All Time based on a reader’s poll. That’s quite an…um…honor?
Don’t get me wrong, where I do find Jennifer Aniston a beautiful women; she’s fit, she’s funny, she carries herself with a great deal of confidence and she’s smart; I’m just not so sure about this ‘honor’. Hottest Woman of All Time- it makes me think of that line in Two Weeks Notice where Sandra Bullock tells Hugh Grant that he’s the worst human being on the planet and he responds “Have you met all the human beings on the planet?”
I get it, it’s a subjective poll and I’m not incensed by the poll itself. I’m frustrated by our society’s need to instill in women a measuring stick mentality. By honoring Jennifer Aniston as The Hottest Woman of All Time it perpetuates a dynamic where we – both men and women- measure ourselves and others against the hotness, or richness, or sexiness of someone else. Although we all do it, it’s with women that this dynamic really concerns me. My generation was taught to do this by our mothers, and we teach our daughters to do this and they teach their daughters. . We teach it because whether we actually participate or we fail to address this dynamic we are condoning the measuring stick.
I call this the divide and conquer method of dis-empowerment. It is dis-empowering because it implies that our worth and our value is held by someone outside of our own self. It keeps us striving to be someone we can’t be which feeds into self-image issues. Let’s face it, we can only be who we are. I know it sounds like a ‘one-hand-clapping-in-the-wind’ statement, but it’s true. We are who we are – round, robust, flat, skinny, tall, short – it’s who we are. But this striving to be like ‘The Hottest’ has women in Japan undergoing surgery to make their eyes more round; women in India beaching their skin to make it more white; women in China undergoing painful surgery to implant metal rods so they can be taller and women in the United States changing just about everything and anything about themselves.
We talk about equality for women – in the work place, in the family unit, in government – but as long as we, as women, continue to buy into the measuring stick mentality and then sell it to our daughters, our equality will always be something that someone else has to give to us.
This is my call to all women to drop the measuring stick and instead turn your focus in and begin to recognize how amazing and powerful we each are – in our own right. By all means celebrate the awesomeness of the women around you. I absolutely celebrate Jennifer Aniston, but I don’t need to use her as a measuring stick for what I have and don’t have.
I truly believe that women are powerful beyond what we know. But it is this divide and conquer dynamic that keeps us ever so lightly scratching the surface of how powerful we truly are. Imagine if instead of measuring ourselves against others, each of us embraced who we are, celebrated ourselves and each other and recognized that at the core we, women, come from the same tribe – the Tribe of Woman.
Christine Agro is The Metaphysical Feminist. She is the Founder of FEMSocial.com a unique social networking site for women that offers both a community and experiential classes and courses that help empower women. Christine is also curating the on-line project Symptoms of Dis-Empowerment and hosts Fully Empowered – a live talk radio show heard on A2Zen.FM
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Symptoms of Dis-Empowerment: Comment Is Prime Example
Someone with a username "Shmiggen" left this enlightening comment:
The reason why young girls are beginning to fight one another is because they are being told they can be too many things at once: powerful, slutty, ambitious, etc etc. We all know that women's best attributes are when they are in charge of a small, nuclear family, where they can be home-makers and wives.
I'd like to thank Shmiggen for offering case-in-point the messages of dis-empowerment that exist in this world. All though it wasn't his intention - his comment may become a focal point for this project.
If you'd like to contribute to Symptoms of Dis-Empowerment please visit the website, read the "how to contribute" page and register as a contributor. You will then be able to upload your contribution for review.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Fertility: Is it percentages or something else? A Metaphysical Look AtConception, Pregnancy and Parenthood
On Today Health I found this article, Fertility math? Most women flunk, survey finds -Basic conception stats masked by glamorous over-40 mommies like Mariah written by JoNell Aleccia. Where it is an excellent and relevant article from a physiological perspective, it allows me to share my Metaphysical insight into conception and pregnancy.
As with everyone in our lives, conception, at the Spiritual level, comes down to an agreement. In this case between baby, Mom and Dad (that's in it's simplest form - if donors, surrogates and adoption are added in then you have more guests in the agreement party, but for ease of discussion we'll look at Baby, Mom and Dad). An agreement is the contract between Spirits that details the how, why and whatfore we will be in each others lives. If you've worked with me or listen to my radio show you know I speak often about the core purpose we are all here - which is to learn, heal and grow as Spiritual beings. It is through our relationships that we explore this purpose and it is through our agreements that the stage gets set for us to encounter the lessons that will help us learn, heal and grow.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thoughts From My Shower: On Money and Manifesting
Today's "Thoughts From My Shower" focuses on money and manifesting. This month, as in many months, I found myself, not worrying, but definitely not flowing around and within my money space. Toward the end of the month as I again got to the bottom of my checking account I energetically threw my hands up and said "fine, I'm done worrying about this. I'm either where I'm supposed to be or I am not." The minute I did that, I felt the energy shift in my space and wouldn't you know it...money flowed.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: Surprise Shows!
Here's what I think is great about this...you can use each Wednesday's "SURPRISE" show as a 'hello' from your own Spirit. What is it that you need to hear, what guidance are you looking for? Tune in and see who I'm talking to and what I'm talking about - I am certain you will find an 'aha' or important tip or piece of awareness to help you on your path to empowerment.
Let me know what magical SURPRISES you receive over the next few weeks.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: Can We Have Different Realities? Postponed
Do to technical upgrades at SQR.FM, Fully Empowered with Christine Agro will be on a random broadcast for the next few weeks.
When I return - I will return with "Can We Have Different Realities?"
Is your 'Here and Now' the same as my 'Here and Now'?
I happened upon a scientist's blog who was incensed by the 'new age' reference of creating one's own reality. He was adamant that there is only 'one' reality. Let's talk about this! What does it mean to your to create your own reality? Leave your comments here or call in to the show to discuss. I'll share my metaphysical thoughts as well!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: Wednesday October 12th - Creative Vision Mentor Day
Every second Wednesday of the month, join Christine Agro as she welcomes a listener looking for guidance, direction and insight into furthering their passion and purpose.This Wednesday Christine welcomes Amy Sophiella founder of Journey Gems. Amy handcrafts amazing and powerful jewelry designed to inspire, encourage and support women on their journeys.
Tune in to find out what Amy is working on and what insight Christine has to help Amy spiral out even more into the amazing life she is creating for herself.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: October 5, 2011 Is It A Man's World or Is It The Masculine Principle?
I hear it often "It's a man's world." But is it? Tune in, call in - let's talk about this catch phrase.
I want to explore it from the Metaphysical perspective - is it really a man's world, and if it is, how do we, can we, change it?
I have plenty to say on this topic, but I want to hear your thoughts too! Block off the time to join me live and call-in!
Visit www.sqr.fm for call-in information or to SKYPE into the show. Remember either way you need to press *9 once you are into the show so I know you want to speak with me on air.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio September 28, 2011: Women in Leadership Inside The Glass Ceiling
Join Christine Agro and Marian Mangoubi, co-founder and CEO of Sassy CEO. Christine and Marian will be talking about women in leadership roles. Although Marian's inspiration was women in teach, her mission is extending as she meets more and more unseen women in amazing leadership roles.
MARIAN MANGOUBI Co-Founder, CEO & Executive Producer though prefers Dreamer/Women’s Champion/Digital Marketer/Mom
Marian’s worked in various male-dominated industries (finance, politics, media, tech) but never got over the lack of women leaders in these industries. After constantly reading about the lack of women in tech, Gandhi’s words “be the change you want to see in the world” got stuck in her head. Marian realized she needed to do something to change the situation, and Sassy CEO, LLC was born.
Sassy CEO is in response to a discussion that began in 2010 and still continues today….WHERE ARE ALL THE WOMEN IN TECH?
Guess what? No one is talking about them. Yet we know who they are, where they are and what they are doing!
Sassy CEO's mission is to shine a light on sassy, successful female founders in the online and digital space, who are making a difference, creating innovation and blazing trails in the tech world. Not only do we want to be their voice but give them one.
The end goal is to create and increase awareness in order to help more women launch and grow.
It’s as simple as that!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Welcome to My Über AHA moment'!
The Metaphysical Feminist
Throughout the years I have had many 'aha' moments - you know, an 'aha' moment is when you seemingly, suddenly have this awareness about something in your life or some life question suddenly has a clarity to it.
Well for me, some 'aha' moments are more poignant the others, somehow, more clear, more life changing. I call these 'Über Aha' moments
This morning I had one of those über moments of clarity.
For you to get the true signfigance of this moment, I need to rewind and give you the back story on this.
Almost 11 years ago exactly, I enrolled in a month long yoga teacher training program which would have me venture off to live at an ashram for the month of October and immerse myself in my passion for yoga. I have an innate love of yoga. I love seeing what my body can do, the way I feel when I practice yoga and the benefits it gives to my body.
After the training program I opened my own wellness center in Boulder, Colorado and I personally was teaching 11 classes a week and loving it. I was in the best physical shape of my life. I felt great and I looked great.
My center was open for just under a year when 9/11 happened and for the days and weeks after I began feeling a pull to move to NYC. There was no question on an energetic level I was being asked to come to the city. It made sense, the city required a lot of healing and healers were answering the call. I too choose to answer the call so I closed my center and began my meandering move to NYC. I put most of my belongings in a storage unit. Then packed up my JEEP with two bags of clothes, two file boxes of client files, my desktop computer and my two dogs Pebbles and Miranda and left Colorado. This trek consisted of staying with friends, sleeping on couches - although I knew in my heart I was headed to NYC, I wasn't ready just yet. I first landed in Montreal for a brief stay. Then made my way to Lake Placid where I set up shop for a short period. I taught my Tools to Live By class, a Female Uniqueness class, and offered an intro to Yoga class. Yoga was still very much a daily part of my life and I was still completely in love with what it offered my body.
Then one day I did a reading for a woman. She had been a Yoga teacher and after an injury was unable to not only teach Yoga but she also was unable to do Yoga any more. I remember seeing in the reading how much her EGO was wrapped up in her approach to Yoga. Did I see my own matching picture...nope! Instead I thought to myself "I can't imagine not being able to teach or do Yoga." A month later I had a cyst rupture on my ovary. A 'normal' person would have gone to the hospital the pain was that bad as were the fever and chills. But not me, I pulled out my natural healing tool box and nursed myself back to a functioning state.
Around the same time, my now husband who was living in NYC emailed me and invited me down to for a visit. We had dated, briefly, years before when I was an undergraduate at SUNY Buffalo Art school and he was a graduate student. The May before the Towers fell, I had been in NYC and he and I reconnected and spent a lovely day walking around the city. So when he emailed with his invitation for a visit I accepted. When I arrived it was clear to him that I wasn't well and he spent the weekend taking care of me, which I have to say was nice. Within a month my dogs and I were packed up and moving to NYC. I was finally there, where I had been called to. It took me eight months to get there, but I was there. As I began to navigate the city, I could only go out for about 15 to 20 minutes at a time. The city exhausted me. If I got too close to Ground Zero I got a splitting headache and nauseous. The city itself gave me an amazing opportunity to learn how to manage my energy on a whole new level. A true gift as I came to say "If you can manage your energy here, you can manage your energy anywhere!"
As my body continued to heal, I tried to return to Yoga, but each and every time, something would happen that knocked me back. More fatigue, more ovary issues. Eventually I let it go and concentrated on the energetics of my Spiritual journey. I began exploring mantras and mudras and the power of sacred geometry, all the while continuing my hourly meditation practice. It was within my meditation space that I was given the information about allowing our Spirit to guide us and the benefits of aligning all the aspects of our being with our own Spirit. When I got pregnant in 2003, Yoga returned as a way to support my gestating son. I did daily yoga, breathing exercises and continued my hourly meditation practice. But once my son was born in 2004, Yoga disappeared from my life again.
After another three-years of a yoga-less life, I found a way to go to an early morning yoga class. One that allowed me to get up and out of the house and back before my son needed to get his own day going. So I was once again immersed in Yoga and loving it. My beloved shape and flexibility was returning to my body and I was excelling in advance Asanas. I was looking and feeling great.
And then it happened, the ovary, again! I couldn't believe it. I was so angry, yet I knew this had something to do with my EGO body. It had something to do with the way in which I was using Yoga, seeing Yoga, and engaging in Yoga. So I gave myself time to heal and left Yoga behind one more time.
Skip ahead two more years, and right, almost, next-door to us in Brooklyn, a Pilates studio opened. The timing of the classes were perfect. The classes themselves were less than an hour long - perfect again. So I signed up. Within weeks I was a die-hard Pilates student. I loved it. My body was shaping up, I was losing weight and I felt great. Until one day, I found that I couldn't use my wrist. I was unable to type it was so painful. When I went to class I explained to my teacher what was happening. She watched me through my workout and there was nothing indicating it was from Pilates. As I continued with classes my wrist got worse and worse and only got better when I didn't take class. So, I begrudgingly stopped going to Pilates.
Again I found myself looking at this and knowing that in someway this was connected to my EGO Body. But I aside from knowing that, I really wasn't seeing why I couldn't be excited about my body and excited to look good and feel good. By this point I was fully into aligning with Spirit and living in alignment - wasn't I?
Skip ahead to today. The journey I have been on is very much about living fully and completely as Spirit with a body and in living this way, creating a state of being where no aspect of myself (mental, emotional, ego) overrides or stands apart from living as a Spirit. By living in this way, I fully embody the power of my Spirit and it is the mental, emotional and ego aspects of myself that manifest the intentions of Spirit in the physical world. The mind's job is to know Spirit, the emotion's role is the feel Spirit and the ego's role is the manifest the intention of Spirit. Aligning with our Spirit is not about doing away with these aspects, it is about understanding their roles and allowing our Spirit to guide and direct us.
So today, as I was driving home from dropping my now 7 year old son off at school, I finally get why I kept getting pushed out of activities that led me to 'love' the way my body looked and felt. Although I thought I was in alignment, it is clear to me now that I was not and just as with any other time that an aspect of me steps out of alignment, I am alerted. These physical manifestations were the way in which I was being alerted to this out of alignment in my EGO. I knew this. I knew this each and every time I got derailed that it had to do with my EGO. The difference today was that I experienced a whole being 'aha' awareness of how, why and in what way I step out of alignment when I focus on my body. I could see it all so clearly.
The insight that came with the 'aha' was invaluable and it will change the way I approach so many seemingly inconsequential activities. It gives me the opportunity to even more fully live in Spiritual alignment. This is what I call the 'Über-Aha moment'!
I am constantly enthralled with this journey and with the ways in which we are given information and insight to help and support us. Now, here's hoping I can get back to Yoga as a fully aligned being. I do miss it so.
Christine Agro is The Metaphysical Feminist, offering a unique perspective on being a woman. Christine has been working with women around the world helping them to live in the Feminine Principle and create fully empowered lives. Christine is the host of Fully Empowered with Christine Agro on www.SQRadio.FM , posts FEMNEWS daily on her website FullyEmpowere.net, via twitter and facebook and she is a frequent guest on radio shows around the world.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: September 21st - Suppressed History of Women in Power
Join Christine with her special guest Max Dashú, teacher of global women's history and heritages through images. Christine and Max will be speaking about Max's DVD "Women's Power in Global Perspective" which details the lost history of women in power throughout the ages.This is sure to be a fascinating conversation!
Max Dashú teaches global women's history and heritages through images. She founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research female spheres of power, goddess
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veneration, shamanic arts, mother-right, patriarchy and the history of domination. Drawing on a collection of over 20,000 images, she has created over one hundred visual presentations, and presented them at universities around North America, and at community centers, conferences, festivals, prisons, libraries, and schools. (See http://www.suppressedhistories.net)
Dashú has spoken at many universities and at international conferences in Germany, Bulgaria, and Britain. Her articles have appeared in Goddesses in World Culture (Praeger, 2010) and various journals and anthologies. She teaches online courses and webinars, maintains a blog (http://www.sourcememory.net/veleda/ ) and has published several posters of female iconography in archaeology. Her acclaimed dvd Women's Power in Global Perspective was released in 2008, and a second movie, Woman Shaman: the Ancients, is now in production.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: September 14th - Creative Vision Mentor Day
Do you know when you are getting a message from Spirit or are you hitting blocks and resistance energy? This month's Creative Vision Mentor Guest is asking just that question.
Join Christine and her Creative Vision Mentor guest Coleen.
Coleen is a healer and a massage therapist and she is on her own journey to discover more about herself. Tune in to find out if Coleen is receiving messages from Spirit, or hitting resistance energy around what she thinks she should be doing. It's something we all experience at one time or another - is it a message? or is it a block?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Redefining Preventative Care
The Metaphysical Feminist
In the United States 'preventative care' seems to focus on the tests and scans that can offer early detection of diseases. It focuses on the medications that can slow these diseases when identified. It focuses on counseling for tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction. That's not preventative care in my mind. To me, preventative care is education and a focus on supporting the body naturally through the foods we eat, the water we drink, the lives we live and the natural remedies that support the body's ability to heal.
Why is it so impossible in a country with such a wealth of intellegence and means to understand that prevention is what we do BEFORE we get sick. How can we live in a country with such tools, skills and access to information and NOT understanding that we would be healthier and happier if we focused on our wellness rather than on our illness.
Unfortunately, I do know the answer. There is no money, no patents, no research grants, no big investors to buy into true wellness. Money is made on our illness or our fear of illness. The sicker we are, the more money is made. Insurance companies make money because we need to be covered for the cost of tests, scans and medications. Doctors make money because we turn to them to tell us if we are O.K. Drug companies make money by creating drug after drug, the side-effects of which often times create the need for yet another drug. And the list goes on.
It is time that we redefine the words 'preventative care'. When we hear these words used in the mainstream media they are attached to mammograms, prostate exams, sonagrams and stress-tests, but this isn't preventative care this is 'Let's find out if you're already sick' care .
True preventative care requires that we each take responsibility for our own health and wellness. That we educate ourselves, because no one else is going to - not the media, not the government, not the drug companies. We need to educate ourselves about things like water quality, food quality, genetic modification of foods, the dangers in bath and body products and why they are dangerous to our health and wellness, the true connection between stress and health, and so many other things that either keep us well or make us sick.
And then we need to act. Our spending power is greatly influential as is our voting power. If everyone demanded that their water be truly safe to drink, if everyone demanded that Genetically Modified Foods be banned, if everyone insisted that their fruits and vegetables be organic, that's what we would have. But we don't. We go through our days and unless something directly affects us, we do nothing, say nothing, demand nothing. This isn't the freedom that the United States offers, this is complacency, this is denial, this is laziness.
This country was built on a demand for freedom, unity, and a government of the people. Today, those who speak up, who buck the trend, who call for change are often labeled as 'nut jobs', 'wackos' or 'hippies' or worse carted off to jail.
It is time that we stop trusting what we are told and instead take back our power and get informed.
Our bodies are amazing machines with capabilities that most of us have not even begun to realize. Take your trust out of the hands of others, out of the hands of people who make money off of every ill-informed choice you make, and put the trust into your own body. Support it, love it, nurture it and start on a journey of true preventative care.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio Show: Sept 07 - Energetic and Metaphysical Exploration of Menopause
Join Christine Agro for a unique and insightful look at Menopause. Christine shares her metaphysical and energetic view point of this transformational experience for women. Christine talks about what happens energetically during menopause and shares insight into ways women can manage this transition. This is an important show for women of any and all ages.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
What Does Equality For Women Mean?
The Metaphysical Feminist
As we reflect on the 91st anniversary of American women gaining the right to vote, I have been reading many articles , blog posts and opinion pieces over the last two days, all passionate, all relevant and all with merit.
But what does equality mean? As women we have been fighting to be seen as equal but the equality we have been fighting for rests within the Masculine Principle. The Masculine Principle is the energy that has influenced our way of being since at least the Caveman era. It is an energy dynamic that is linear, outward focused, power-over, controlling and fight or flight based. It has influenced everything from religious doctrine to the laws of the land and in its influence has arisen a world in which we have and have-not, in which divide and conquer is the status quo. There is no room for the truths of many, there is only room for the truth of the most mighty, the most powerful.
Stop and think about it for a moment: Women all across the globe have been fighting for the same rights, access, and possibilities that men have. But who or what deemed that men should have and women should not. Who benefits from this? A continued few, by comparison, who reap the rewards of our unconsciousness.
As individuals we amble along following rules, laws, guidelines and religious doctrines that do not honor the individual, but support the continued empowerment of the few.
When I look back at the Women’s Revolution, I see a necessary fight; one in which the internal fire sparked revolution, sparked change, sparked an awakening. But I also see a continuation of fighting within the Masculine Principle, an energy in which I believe no one will ever have true equality because it is an energy that forces us to constantly choose “fight or flight”.
So I propose a new equality, one that is based in the Feminine Principles. One in which we see ourselves as not equal, but whole. One in which we understand that what we are not allowed within society, is merely a construct of false power. One that comes by creating from within a wholeness of being that will then ripple out into each and every aspect of our realities. And why? Because when we are whole within we will self-create a world for ourselves where we are honored, supported and fulfilled based on those things that ‘do it’ for us. Will my equality look like your equality? Most likely not, but that is why an external focus on equality can only keep us fighting for or fighting against each other and will never bring true equality.
And while we still find ourselves fighting for equality within the masculine structure, consider shifting your point of view from fighting for equality, to standing in your wholeness. It is not that we deserve equality, it is that we should not accept law or doctrine that has been created within an energy structure that supports the few and views us as somehow less than.
Christine Agro is The Metaphysical Feminist, offering a unique perspective on being a woman. Christine has been working with women around the world helping them to live in the Feminine Principle and create fully empowered lives. Christine is the host of Fully Empowered with Christine Agro on www.SQR.FM , posts FEMNEWS daily on her website FullyEmpowere.net, via twitter and facebook and she is a frequent guest on radio shows around the world.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: August 31
Join Christine for a powerful show on life, relationships and change. A show that begin with a missing guest turned into a powerful, moving show when a listener called in with her own relationship issue. We can all learn through the experiences of others so tune and find the kernels of truth and matching insight to support you on your own journey!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio: August 24th Melanie Notkin, Savvy Auntie
Join Christine Agro and her guest Melanie Notkin best selling author of Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great Aunts, Godmothers and All Women Who Love Kids.
Call-in during the second half of the show with your life questions for Christine. She'll give you her unique insight and guidance for whatever question you have.
Melanie is the founder of the first and only community for aunts and she joins me to talk about the stigma society has about a childless woman and to share her passion for being the best aunt ever!
Savvy Auntie was founded and developed by Melanie Notkin.
Melanie Notkin is America’s premier Savvy Auntie, empowering the nearly 50% of American women who are not moms to celebrate all they do for the children in their lives, while living their own lives to the fullest. She launched SavvyAuntie.com, the first online community for aunts and godmothers, in the summer of 2008 to wide-acclaim. The website includes expert content designed specifically for aunts, activities, community and trendy gift ideas.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio August 17: Clutter is As Clutter Does
Christine's special guest is DeAnna Radaj who has a unique approach to interior design that spills out into everyday life. You've heard of 'you are what you eat?' DeAnna will share with us that our living spaces become how and who we are also. Or maybe our living spaces reflect who we are already. Tune in to find out!
DeAnna Radaj, owner of Bante Design LLC, can enter a space and help to tweak (or remodel, re-design) the space to work better to suit its function AND the lifestyle of the occupants of the space. Using ILD, life quality can be increased AND be supportive to any transitions occuring, lifestyle changes or health challenges.
She is an "Eco-Shui" designer, writer & consultant who helps those who are looking to lead a more healthy, balanced & proactive lifestyle. Unlike other interior designers or Feng Shui practioners (besides a specialized focus on BEDROOMS & OFFICES), DeAnna integrates the Western (eco-friendly, universal, sustainable) & Eastern (Feng Shui) design principles & techniques, combined with goal-setting (12+ years in corporate before starting Bante Design LLC) & clutter-busting exercises to create healthy & supportive indoor environments. Spaces that reflect the lifestyle & goals of her clients, as well as helping them "design the life of their dreams".
Designing spaces that are not only beautiful and comfortable, but also bring out the client’s personality, is her design philosophy.
***Check out DeAnna's column to keep up-to-date on all things design. DeAnna is also a frequent contributor to SheKnows.com, DivaToolbox and has also appeared on CNN.com, NYDailyNews, LowesForPros
Sunday, August 7, 2011
12 Month Clairvoyant and Conscious Living Course Begins September 12th
A priceless program that will change your life
What past students have experienced
"This course has been life changing! Christine has created a powerful group dynamic that teaches user friendly tools for identifying, removing, and healing through all aspects of ourselves. Today I find myself stronger, present, and clear in my life and path as a spiritually connected being. I highly recommend this course for everyone!" Sara W.
“The 12 Month Course has helped me tremendously to understand and incorporate the spiritual side of being into my work in a highly technical environment. The tools taught in the course help me to achieve and maintain a better understanding of myself and my colleagues and enable me to demonstrate a different way of managing life in the “corporate” world.” Carolyn C.
Christine Agro’s 12 Month Conscious Living and Clairvoyant Awareness Program changed my life and given me tools that support me each and everyday. It was the lifeline I had literally been praying for (“Please God, there must be more to life than this...”). Taking this course has been the best thing I have ever done for me. I am forever grateful to Christine for helping me wake up, open my eyes and see all the beauty around me. These are indeed exciting times. --Alison S.
My next 12 month Clairvoyant and Conscious Living program begins Monday September 12th.
This program is taught via tele-conference.
Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 am ET (If you are still interested in a 8pm ET class let me know ASAP! - send me an email to christine at fullyempowered.net
The program meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays. Monday night is topic night – we look at information and also learn tools. On Wednesdays we work with our ability to read energy as information. If you just said ‘oh, that’s not me’, we read with our clairvoyance every day. Part of the Wednesday space is to help you release the energy that comes with reading as well as developing the ability to look at your own stuff and gather your own information.
The entire program is designed to help you learn how to find your own information, learn how to manage, shift and create your own life and if you are interest, develop a reading space. If you aren’t interested in being a reader, the skill of reading is still a wonderful gift to give yourself. When we read others we have the opportunity to see our own lessons through a neutral space. And speaking of neutrality, reading also helps you develop greater neutrality – another gift and one that is priceless.
As in any of my classes – you will gain what you can have and what you put into the program.
Throughout the program there will be scheduled breaks – where we take the whole week off. But in general – it’s a program that will run from September 2011 to August 2012.
If you are interested in participating in this program you do need to make the commitment to come to both Monday and Wednesday class. Monday classes will be recorded if you need to miss from time to time, Wednesday’s will not. I don’t expect you to make every class, but if you aren’t doing your work and you aren’t coming to class, then we will be chatting.
If you are interested in this program please let me know as soon as you know so I can plan my schedule and you must be registered by Thursday, September 8th.
There are two payment options:
Option 1: Full payment $2750 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RQ72GP9LWQDE6
Option 2: 12 monthly automatic payments $250 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6GC2GGPHKKY26
I Am Woman Tele-Course Begins Tuesday, September 13th at 8 pm ET
Begins Tuesday, September 13th
8 pm - 9 pm ET
In this course you will explore your Feminine Uniqueness with Inspirational Teacher, Christine Agro.
- Experientially explore the difference between the Masculine Principle and the Feminine Principle
- Learn about your Female Creative Energy and learn how to work with it.
- Experience your Kundalini Energy and learn how to turn it on and off
- Explore your Ovaries from a unique perspective and do healing energy work on your Ovaries.
- Clear out the clutter in your Uterus
- Explore the energies your Breasts hold and learn how to remove and clear this energy
- Explore your Intuition
- Embracing Menses and Menopause
- Travel to meet the Divine Feminine
(topics subject to change)
This course is open to all women, young and old. If you have undergone a mastectomy or hysterectomy you can still benefit from the work in this class. The energies present in these areas of your body can still be cleared, healed and removed.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Are Relationships Meant to Be Forever?
We see celebrities in and out of relationships and we are fascinated with the activity. The news of new romance, lavish weddings and crash and burn splits grace the cover of almost every magazine that faces us at the check-out stand.
But are relationships meant to be forever?
Take the recent split of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. In J-Lo’s upcoming Vanity Fair interview she said “Sometimes it doesn’t work—and that’s sad. But I remain an eternal optimist about love. I believe in love…”
Should we see relationships as failures when they end?
From a metaphysical perspective our intimate relationships are the number one place that we work on our life lessons, and our life lessons contain the how, why and what of what we are here to do. If we want to be empowered, we may unconsciously manifest a relationship in which we need to fight to be heard, or to be seen. If we want to value ourselves, we may unconsciously manifest a relationship where cheating or some form of diminishment is involved so that we can get to a place where we stand up for ourselves.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio Show: August 10th Creative Vision Mentor Day
Listen live Wednesday, August 10th at 12 Noon ET on www.SQR.fm
Up and coming fashion designer Radha Dumra is today's Creative Vision Mentor guest. Join in to hear about Radha's journey to creating not only the clothes of her dreams but the life of her dreams. Christine will work with Radha on air, using Christine's Creative Vision Mentor process, and help Radha to see her dream as her reality
Born in London and raised in India, Radha Dumra has always had a passion for fashion and textile. Her initial exposure to the industry came from the family business that has been in the knitwear industry for 35 years.
To hone her talent Radha relocated to London where she immersed herself in the rich multi cultural experience that London offers.
She graduated with first class degree from the London College of Fashion and also from the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN (NIFT) in New Delhi.
Radha’s design centric monochrome aesthetic attention to detail & infallible ability to deliver has afforded her the opportunity to work with several international designers most notably Michiko Koshino and Kisa London.
Since the inception of her knitwear label 'RADHA DUMRA' in 2011, black is the color that takes centre stage in her collection, served hot with new colour tones each season. Inspired from surrealism, body modification, anti trend and the idea that nothing is perfect and nothing lasts forever. Radha’s designs are for fashion-forward individuals who understand how the understated modesty of monochrome can create the desired impact. Her clothes are designed exclusively for those who are nonconformist, self-empowered,bold, proud and in control.
RADHA DUMRA is stocked in various fashion boutiques in London including the online boutique 'NOT JUST A LABEL' and are also available for private commissions.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio Show: Aug 3- Gender Equality in Media
Listen to the archived show here
My special guest is Madeline Di Nonno, Executive Director of The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media and See Jane. We'll be talking about why gender representation in media matters and what message it sends to young children.
Six years ago, while watching children's television programs and videos with her young daughter, Academy Award winner Geena Davis noticed a remarkable imbalance in the ratio of male to female characters. From that small starting point, Davis went on to raise funds for the largest research project ever undertaken on gender in children's entertainment (resulting in 4 discrete studies, including one on children's television).
The research showed that in the top-grossing G-rated films, there were three male characters for every one female - a statistic that still has not improved.
The concern was clear: What message does this send to young children?
The Institute is the leading resource for gender in media research, trends and education for the entertainment industry and the public.
SEE JANE is a program of the Institute that utilizes research, education and advocacy to engage the entertainment industry and recognize the need for gender balance and varied portrayals of females and male characters into movies, TV, and other media aimed at children 11 and under. We work cooperatively and collaboratively with entertainment creators to encourage them to be leaders in creating positive change
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio Show: July 27th Our Moon Signs
Listen to the archive here.
Today's one of those days that 'go-with-the-flow' works best in life. I have an appointment at 8 am ET and I don't know if I will make it to the show by 12 Noon ET. I certainly hope I do, but either way I have a great guest or a great guest host for you.
Either way - the fabulous Julia Stonestreet Smith will be here as a guest or as a guest host. Julia hosts The Stonestreet Cafe. She is an Astrologer and the creator of the Planet Zones system of location astrology as well as a clairvoyant, a healer, a teacher, a writer and a perpetual student of life.
Julia will be looking at the 12 Moon Signs and giving you insight into how the moon signs affect us, especially as women!
If you don't know your moon sign you can visit this website to get it (you do need your time of birth) http://www.lunarium.co.uk/moonsign/calculator.jsp
If you don't know your time of birth, tune in anyway and see what information you resonate most with. Sometimes if we are quiet, we can figure it out.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio - Jul 20th: Fight Back Against Street Harrasment
Listen to the archive here
If you walk anywhere you know that lewd comments and actions from men is a gauntlet we oftentimes have to run. I've experienced this in Toronto, Winnipeg, Denver, Boulder, Buffalo and NYC. Every time I find myself thinking "ugh" and frequently hear myself reply "Does that ever get you a date?"
But in the end, it is harassment and my guest Emily May, Executive Director of Hollaback! has co-founded an organization to help put an end to this epidemic.
Join me to find out you aren't alone and what you can do!
Emily May, co-founder and Executive Director
Emily is an international leader in the anti-street-harassment movement. In 2005, at the age of 24, she co-founded Hollaback! (iHollaback.org) in New York City, and in 2010 she became the first full-time executive director. Hollaback!’s mission is to give women and LGBTQ folks an empowered response to street harassment, and ultimately, to end it.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Define Yourself!
By Christine Agro
For the past eight months I have been working on a special project, a book, to help women step into full empowerment. One of the great things that happens when I write is that as I put down a thought, the energy of that thought spirals out showing me universal information and gives me a deeper understanding and greater context for that initial concept.
In the process of writing this book, many things have become deeply clear about our lives as women especially what keeps us separate from ourselves and from each other. One area I've been gaining that deeper, more clear insight is in how we define ourselves.
Today I want to talk about religion and law.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Cleaning Your Communication Space: Tele-Presentation July 14
Join Christine Agro On Thursday, July 14th at 8pm ET
Christine's topic is our communication space and she will give you essential tools for energetically managing , cleaning an d healing this important aspect of any relationship.
During the class Christine will talk about how our communication space can get cluttered and clogged making it difficult to communicate and connect without trigger old information, old wounds and out-of-date experiences.
Christine will also walk you through experiential exercises that will give you life-time tools to use long after the class is finished.
Register today!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio - July 13th: Creative Vision Mentor Day!
Listen to the archive here
This month's Creative Vision Mentor guest is Sara B. Wilerson. Sara is the founder of Horses, Heart and Soul LLC where she taps into the natural healing nature of horses to help her clients work through past-traumatic events that manifest in their lives in different ways.
Sara joins Christine with a desire to move her work forward.
Join Christine and Sara to learn more about Sara's work and find out how Christine is able to help Sara.
[caption id="attachment_763" align="alignleft" width="193" caption="Sara B. Wilerson and Jingles"][/caption]
Sara B. Willerson, LCSW is a private practice therapist in North Texas. Horses have always been part of her life. After completing a Masters in Social Work from Smith College School for Social Work she was given a book by her father, The Tao of Equus, by Linda Kohanov. Upon reading this book, Sara knew that her passion and purpose had finally joined up! After completing an apprenticeship program with The Epona Center in 2003, she set out to create Horses, Heart & Soul, LLC, an equine facilitated psychotherapy practice for children, teens and adults. Now located at WolfTree Ranch in Pilot Point, TX, Sara and a very special herd of horses offer conscious healing through The Way of the Horse.
Sara sees horses as natural healers who help us reconnect to our entire being – spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Horses have the instinctive gift of mirroring what is going on in our lives. From the moment we step into their presence, horses sense those feelings we keep private. Horses remind us there is more to us that what we present to the outside world. Their unconditional awareness and acceptance of our experience is felt from the moment we step into the pasture with them. Horses are natural geniuses when it comes to identifying and sharing those pieces we keep to ourselves. Through this awareness, they help us reconnect with our heart and soul. Ultimately this reunion inspires healing and growth, an understanding of who we are, and how we will be able to integrate this knowledge into our lives.
Sara’s professional experience has focused on working with clients who have experienced trauma, grief and loss, and life transitions. She is particularly interested in working with the current manifestation of past trauma-whether it be depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, self harm, disordered eating, or disconnection. The Horses, Heart & Soul, LLC program offers individual, family, couples, group, and workshop sessions for children, adolescents and adults. Together with her equine partners, Sara invites children and adults to experience the healing power of the horse outside of the traditional office environment. Visit their website to learn more! www.horsesheartandsoul.com
Do you have a dream? Something you want to create or a business you want to move forward? Apply to be Christine's guest. If selected Christine will spend the show working with you using her Creative Vision Mentoring process. Using her clairvoyance she will help you look beyond your blocks and own self-limiting energy and she will help you set up an action plan to keep moving forward.
To apply please visit: Fully Empowered and fill out the form.
Every second Wednesday of the month Christine has Creative Vision Mentor Day!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
How My Moroccan Muslim "Mama" Made Me Rethink My World - Guest Post Lisa Bloom
How My Moroccan Muslim "Mama" Made Me Rethink My World
By Lisa Bloom,
Author of Think: Straight Talk For Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World
I am a travel junkie. If I don't leave the country at least a couple times a year, I get itchy. I travel when my otherwise frugal, responsible self can't afford it. I travel off the grid even though being unreachable by Blackberry threatens my career. I travel though my mother begs me not to gothere. I travel alone when no one wants to go with me. I drag my bewildered boyfriend to the other side of the globe to join me, sleeping on the floor of mud huts and squatting over smelly holes in the floor.
I have to. Because when I leave the country and go to places where they don't speak my language, practice my religion, or eat my food; where their history leads them to an entirely different way of life, I return home like a space invader, looking at everything we do with fresh eyes. Before I traveled extensively, I assumed naively that how we do things is preordained, inexorable. The funny thing is that that's how everyone sees their culture's ways. Thus, a busload of Turkish villagers once pulled over so that the passengers could all get out and snap pictures of me, wildly, improbably, fantastically (to them) dressed in my faraway country's native garb of jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers, and no head scarf. There I was, odd woman out, the locals looking at my uncovered head squeamishly, just as I gazed upon their different female attire, thinking, wondering, processing what it all means -- especially those veils.
I've always been uncomfortable looking at veiled women. When I traveled to the Middle East, especially the rural areas, I saw many women wearing burkas that covered not only every strand of their hair but also every pore of their faces, save a tiny slit for their eyes. Even then, sometimes a screen covers the eyes.
I tried not to stare at these women with my unscreened eyes. Sometimes I'd take a mental snapshot, look away, and then mull it over. What must it be like to be draped in fabric all of one's life whenever outdoors? What did the world look like through the slits, the screens, the pinpoint holes in mesh fabric? Was it like walking around virtually blindfolded? Were they off-kilter from perpetual lack of peripheral vision? What facial expressions -- disgust, resentment, acceptance, contentment -- were hidden from view?
I've read Geraldine Brooks's Nine Parts of Desire, which lays out the fundamentalist Muslim thinking that women carry around all responsibility for human sexuality, that male sexuality is uncontrollable and impulsive, that males might fly into a sexual fury and rape a woman if he chances upon a glimpse of too much skin or tempting female hair. Thus, these men require total cover for postpubescent girls and women in fundamentalist areas. I've read Infidel, in which the brave Ayaan Hirsi Ali describes being taught this heavy responsibility for keeping violent male sexuality in check as a little girl, being compelled to wear the veil and the burka to preserve the family honor. I've read The Trouble with Islam Today, Irshad Manji's flames thrown at the heart of Islam's misogyny, which that veil, of course, symbolizes.50
Some Muslim women, I know, see the veil as liberating because it frees them from being sex objects. Men do not stare lasciviously at them on the streets as Western men do, they argue. They feel it brings them respect. And I have observed in Muslim countries that at least out on the public streets, the men harass only immodestly dressed Western women, not covered locals. But that still puts all the burden of sexual responsibility on women and blames the victims, women in immodest clothing, for sexual harassment or assault. I don't see liberation in draping myself in ten yards of fabric to hide myself from hungry wolves. Liberation is taming the wolves and holding men legally accountable for harassment and sexual assault. Full stop.
So when I traveled to Morocco, a secular Muslim country, in 2009, I knew I was going to struggle to come to terms with covered women. Unlike, say, residents of Iran or Saudi Arabia, Moroccan women are not legally required to cover. Yet most do. And I was there in July, where the temperature sizzles like the surface of Mercury. The men wore western clothing: knee length shorts or light cotton pants, T-shirts. But for women, the de rigueur outfit nearly all wore was a nightgown-like, long-sleeved, loose-fitting jelaba covering cotton pants, topped with a head scarf.
Few Moroccan women wear black burkas, and their faces are not concealed. Still, to my Western eyes, all this covering was a sign of women's oppression. They can tell me that they all want women to have equal rights in this country, that the king is a feminist, and that 10 percent of Morocco's Parliament is set aside for female representation.51 All true and good. But as long as their culture dresses them in all this fabric and those head scarves, I wasn't buying it.
We left the explosive, teeming, wild ride of Marrakech and ascended the High Atlas Mountains to villages so remote that children stopped dead in their tracks to gawk at my uncovered blonde hair. Here we go again. I may as well have been an albino gorilla strolling down their main dirt road. We spent the night with a Berber farming family in a simple mud hut, folks who were generous enough to share their bowl of couscous and vegetables with us -- utensils not an option.
After dinner it was time for entertainment. But as it turned out, I was the entertainment. The mother of the family asked with a twinkle in her eye if I would like to be dressed in their traditional garb.
Sure, I said. I'm up for anything, especially when I'm traveling.
My temporary Moroccan Mama soberly flattened my unruly hair (gone au naturale while traveling without hair appliances) back behind my ears and popped the scarf on me. Her practiced hands swiftly got every lock of hair into place. She tied it at the nape of my neck.
Next, she handed me the jelaba. I put it on.
Mama smiled mischievously. "Kohl?" she said, pulling out a worn little nub of an eye pencil.
As a television talk show host, I'd been under the tight control of a lovely makeup artist, Vincenza Carovillano, who, for years advised me -- okay, ordered me -- to use or not use certain face washes, moisturizers, and serums, and, above all, not to share unclean makeup with others. (I've had two eyelid surgeries to remove lumps from makeup infections -- occupational hazard of wearing thick TV paint every day.)
I imagined Vincenza having heart palpitations at the thought of that kohl pencil rubbing on my eyelids.
But how could I say no to Moroccan Mama, who had welcomed us into her home, made us dinner, and was now grinning and giddy from dolling me up in her treasured garments? I could not.
Mama jabbed me, making a saw-tooth pattern in black above and below my eyes. I think it was supposed to be a straight line, but maybe her eyes weren't very good or her hands weren't, or something.
"Ha ha!" she said, clapping her hands, handing me a mirror.
Staring back at me was a moon-faced girl with zigzag eyeliner, a black-scarved flat head, and a billowy maxi dress.
"No one looks good in those outfits," my boyfriend, Braden, sympathized.
I sat down on the bed. The boyfriend and I hung out. We planned our hike for the next day. I forgot about what I was wearing. I flopped over sideways and propped myself on an elbow as we continued talking. I lazed, and our conversation meandered.
An hour later, it hit me: I was awfully comfortable in the jelaba and head scarf. Because my hair was neatly wrapped, my face was unencumbered by the wild mass my hair morphs into on vacation. It reminded me of the '70s, when I used to wear a red or blue bandana with my faded Levis, my hair wild behind me, pulled smoothly off my face. It felt nice, like when I pull all my hair back into a ponytail so I can run or think.
The world's most comfortable hairdo took her all of about twenty seconds to complete: over the hair, soft cotton tied neatly behind the neck, bam! That's all there was to it. I felt clean. With my hair out of the way, my face could get down to business, in this case, reading the guidebook and maps.
And from the neck down, nothing was poking me, digging into my flesh or girl parts. I had no desire, as I normally do at the end of a day, to climb out of my clothes and into my pajamas. My jelaba was soft and loose and thin, less constricting even than my Western pajamas, which my culture allows me to wear only at night.
Then I thought about morning rituals. To get ready, it appears that Berber women brush their teeth, throw on the Moroccan bandana and nightgown, skip the makeup (maybe a swipe-swipe of the kohl, that's it, and if Mama's skills were typical, they'd do better skipping that step altogether), flat shoes, and presto! They are good to go.
What do we Western women do? The blow-dry, in my case, is a tedious half hour of time I'm never getting back, followed by curling iron or flat iron or both depending on the humidity, and then there are time-consuming skin toners, serums, astringents, moisturizers, SPFs, and makeup (foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, liner, mascara, brow pencil, lip pencil, lip gloss) all to achieve that natural look, right?
Stilettos, tight jeans, thong underwear, underwire push-up bras, constricting skirts, Spanx, shaving our legs and armpits, bikini waxes, eyelash curlers -- all Western conceits it appears Berber women cheerfully live without.
Who is oppressed in this picture and who is liberated?
The politics and symbolism of the headscarf blinded me so much that I failed to see the easy breezy comfort of flowing soft cotton, unpainted faces, and no bad hair days. These women may not have the equal rights we do, despite sweeping 2004 reforms,52 but when it comes to the daily drudgery of making our female selves presentable, damn, maybe they are onto something.
Their culture defines beauty differently, in a way that requires next to no wasted time or money, or pain or discomfort for women. And my Muslim Mama's husband looked at her with great love and affection, and judging by their large family, they had an exuberant sex life. He didn't seem to find her less attractive for the normal droops and wrinkles of middle age.
Okay, you're not going to see me sporting a black head wrap and caftan on my next CBS Newsappearance. As I perform my daily television rounds, I can't escape the TV makeup and hair coiffing. But off camera, I often wistfully invoke my Moroccan sisters in the High Atlas Mountains, draped and relaxed and never having to suck in their stomachs, with their fresh, naked faces turned toward the warm air.
From my Moroccan Mama, I learned that a headscarf is not a burka, that a makeup-free life can be liberating (I'm just going to forget about the kohl pencil), and that I participate in a cultural norm that is -- let me say it here -- ridiculous. We don't have to fall prey to what the fashion industry, cosmetic companies, and plastic surgeons sell us. There are whole countries and cultures where women do not do as we do, and their men, their friends, and their children think they are beautiful and love them just as they are. We could likewise choose not to participate in all the nonsense. Before we ridicule faraway cultures for wearing "oppressive" attire, let's walk a day in their women's soft, flat shoes. Let's consider us from their point of view: all that crap we do to ourselves daily? Entertaining, laughable, even, and, most important, optional.
50. Geraldine Brooks, Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women (New York: Anchor Books, 1995); Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Infidel (New York: Free Press, 2007); Irshad Manji, The Trouble With Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith (New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2003).
51. We have a few more female congresspeople-17·5 percent. Two Muslim countries have more elected female legislators than we do: Iraq (25.5 percent) and Pakistan (22.5 percent).
52. Nearly half the Moroccan population still believes that the practice of husbands beating their wives in some circumstances is acceptable. Furthermore, tradition limits Moroccan women's ability to own or inherit land equally with men. "Gender Equality and Social Institutions in Morocco," Social Institution & Gender Index, http://genderindex.org/country/morocco.
The above is an excerpt from the book Think: Straight Talk For Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World by Lisa Bloom. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.
Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, author of Think: Straight Talk For Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World
Author Bio
Lisa Bloom, author of Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World is an award-winning journalist, legal analyst, trial attorney, and the daughter of renowned women's rights attorney, Gloria Allred.
A daily fixture on American television for the last decade, Bloom is currently the CBS News legal analyst, appearing frequently on The Early Show and CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, as well as the legal analyst for The Dr. Phil Show. Bloom appears regularly on CNN and HLN prime time shows such as Issues With Jane Velez-Mitchell, The Joy Behar Show, Anderson Cooper 360, and The Situation Room. She has been featured on Oprah, Nightline, Today, Good Morning America, Rachael Ray, and many more, and she was a nightly panelist on The Insider throughout 2010. From 2001-2009, Bloom hosted her own daily, live, national show on Court TV, and she has guest-hosted Larry King Live, The Early Show, and Showbiz Tonight.
Bloom has written numerous popular and scholarly articles for the Los Angeles Times, Family Circle, the National Law Journal, CNN.com, the Daily Beast, and many more. She has also been profiled, featured, and quoted in hundreds of publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Elle, Ladies' Home Journal, and Variety.
Bloom graduated early and Phi Beta Kappa from UCLA, where she was national college debate champion, and then from the Yale Law School, where she won the moot court competition. She currently lives in Los Angeles where she runs her law firm, The Bloom Firm.TheWrap.com recently named Bloom one of the top five celebrity attorneys in Los Angeles.
For more information please visit http://think.tv/ and follow the author on Facebook and Twitter
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Fully Empowered Radio July 6th: NYTimes Best-Selling Author Lisa Bloom
Listen to the archive of this show here
Lisa Bloom, best-selling author of "THINK: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World" joins Christine.
Christine came across Lisa when she read Lisa's article on Huffington Post "How To Talk To Little Girls". It was such a powerful and important message, Christine didn't hesitate to invite Lisa to be on Fully Empowered.
Join a lively and important discussion that will help empower both women and girls!
Lisa Bloom is a national television legal analyst, award-winning speaker and journalist, and trial attorney who urges women to wake up, take control of their minds and their lives, and get informed about what’s happening around the globe in her first book, the New York Times Best-Seller, Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World.
She is a strong advocate for civil rights and the Philadelphia Enquirer has this to say about her:
“Feisty, articulate, and driven — she qualified last week for the Boston Marathon . . . a personal intensity and a fierce sense of outrage about women’s and civil rights, child welfare, and the abuse of power.” Philadelphia Enquirer
Award winning journalist, television legal analyst, trial attorney and daughter of renowned women's rights attorney Gloria Allred, Lisa Bloom, publishes her first book, the New York Times Best-Seller, Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World (Vanguard Press; ISBN: 978-1-59315-659-6; $25.99; Hardcover), which boldly argues that the women of today represent a stark paradox. In Think, Lisa showcases that while girls and women shine in many areas (such as outperforming boys at every level of education, preschool through grad school); they have concurrently lost focus and even regressed in some frightening ways. At a time when 23% of women would rather lose their ability to read than their figures, Lisa fears that women are in danger of spiraling into a nation of dumbed-down, tabloid media-obsessed, reality TV addicts. For example, the majority of us can't name a single branch of government, but nearly everyone can name at least one Kardashian.
In this entertaining, eye-opening and thoroughly-researched new book, Lisa outlines the ways that we as a society, and particularly women, have allowed our brains to atrophy and, very specifically, outlines the damage our ignorance is causing to our personal lives, our nation, and our world. She shows us the fallout—but also provides the step-by-step solutions for “Reclaiming the Brains God Gave Ya," and seizing back control of your time, your mind, and your life. Lisa’s impassioned plea is for women to connect and become meaningful, proactive contributors both nationally and globally. Packed with unnerving facts (did you know that 70% of American adults have not set foot in a bookstore in over five years?) and "aha!" moments (Lisa shows one trick that will give nearly every woman an extra hour to think daily), Think gets you thinking again!
Lisa Bloom has been a daily fixture on American television for the last decade. She is currently a CBS News Legal Analyst, appearing regularly on “The Early Show” and “CBS Evening News with Katie Couric,” as well as the legal analyst for “The Dr. Phil Show.” Lisa appears regularly on CNN and HLN prime time shows such as “Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell,” “The Joy Behar Show,” “AC 360,” and “The Situation Room.” She has been featured on “Oprah,” “Nightline,” “Today,” “Good Morning America,” “Rachael Ray,” and many more and she was a nightly panelist on “The Insider” throughout 2010. From 2001–2009, Bloom hosted her own daily, live, national show on Court TV.
In addition, she has published numerous popular and scholarly articles in the Los Angeles Times, Family Circle, The National Law Journal, CNN.com, The Daily Beast, and many more. Bloom has also been profiled, featured, and quoted in many publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Ladies’ Home Journal, Elle, Vegetarian Times, and Variety.
Lisa graduated early and Phi Beta Kappa from UCLA, where she won the national college debate championship, and then from the Yale Law School, where she won the moot court competition. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where she runs her law firm, The Bloom Firm. In the past year, Lisa has represented Oksana Grigorieva, Michael Lohan, and Michaele and Tareq Salahi. TheWrap.com recently named Lisa one of the top five celebrity attorneys in Los Angeles.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Embracing Feminine Uniqueness
Embracing Feminine Uniqueness is the next concept on our journey to becoming fully empowered. Our first step was acknowledging and embracing the notion that we, as Spirit, chose to incarnate as Spirit in a female body. As the earth is shifting in her awarenss and growth, so are we and as we move more and more into our own conscious awareness we can come to see that everything about our life is connected to what we wanted to learn this lifetime and the growth we hoped to have, not as humans, but as Spiritual beings.
When we decided to incarnate,and yes, this was a choice, we set out a plan for our lifetime. We made Spiritual agreements, or contracts, with those Spirits that would be our parents, our siblings, our teachers and those who would play influential roles in our lives - whether perceived in the physical world as good or bad. Our lives are a mater of choice (conscious or unconscious) and our purpose each lifetime is to learn, heal and evolve. As we step into greater consciousness, greater awareness of our lives as Spirit with a body, how we go about learning, healing and growing begins to change and shift away from chaos, pain, suffering and struggle, to an experience of grace, ease and the pure joy in connecting our Spirit to the physical form.
So what does this have to do with Feminine Uniqueness? Well, if we step back and reflect on the notion that we chose to be Spirit in a female body this lifetime, then along with that notion we only invalidate ourselves if we do not embrace the uniqueness of who we are. We become the symptom of our own dis-empowerment.
There are many aspects of being Spirit with a female body that offer uniqueness. We have breasts, we have a vagina, we have a clitoris and labia, we have a uterus and ovaries (and even if you no longer have these aspects of your physical body, they are still an energetic component of your physical manifestation and they deserve to be celebrated for their existence and mourned for their loss). We have a menses, not a period. Our menses is not a burden, or a problem or something to be erased for a year at a time. It is something that makes us unique and is rich in the ebb and flow of creation and the Divine Feminine. But in addition to the surface uniqueness, we have energetic and psychic Feminine Uniqueness.
We have Female Creative Energy that helps us create and manifest. We are energetic healers, absorbing, nurturing and healing the pains of others through our breasts, our ovaries and our uterus. We are intuitive. We run the Feminine Principle, an energy that is circular in thought process, that is introspective, that is creative by nature and that seeks to collaborate rather than separate.
These are just a few of the elements of Feminine Uniqueness that go along with your choice to be a woman this lifetime.
Take some time to sit and celebrate all that you are as a woman.
Embrace your Feminine Uniqueness.
And if you would like to experience and explore your Feminine Uniqueness join Christine Agro for her next I Am Woman course - which beings on Tuesday, July 26th at 9:30 pm ET (6:30 pm PT/7:30 pm MT/ 8:30 pm CT and 7 am on Wednesday in Delhi) click here to find out more!
Listen to Fully Empowered with Christine Agro on Wednesday June 29th at 12 Noon ET. Christine will speaking more about Feminine Uniqueness and her special guest Nicole Daedone author of Slow Sex will be sharing her own insight into embracing Feminine Uniqueness and finding empowerment through Orgasm. Listen live on www.sqr.fm
Monday, June 27, 2011
Why Women Are Born Empowered
I was meditating one day and I took a journey to the Temple of Knowledge. The Temple of Knowledge appeared to me as a great stone structure with corridors leading in many directions. Within the Temple of Knowledge, all teachers past, present and future have teaching rooms. Along the corridors there were rooms too many to count, and peaking inside a few I would find people gathered and learning.
As I walked along I came to a beautiful Healing Garden and stopped to sit in it for a while. It was full of lush green plants, a pool to reflect in or float in, and the smell of fragrant flowers filled the air. As I rested in the Healing Garden, I could feel the energies shift and clear in my own body, making me lighter and more at ease. While there I asked "why was I brought here?" I was compelled to get up and leave the Healing Garden and I followed the energetic pull to a strikingly beautiful altar. The altar was surrounded by what looked like silver and gold filigree but with a closer look, I saw that it was silver and gold flowers, unlike any I had ever seen. Upon the alter stood the Divine Feminine, dressed in a deep rich purple robe adorned with the same silver and gold filigree. She was wearing a jewel encrusted crown and without even questioning it, I knew that each stone was used to support the energy of the divine feminine. Garnet for peace, healing and protection; Ruby for passion and guidance; Emerald for wisdom and hope; Amethyst for Divine Knowledge; Peridot for patience and purpose and Citrine for abundance and manifesting .
I asked her why I was there and she opened her robe and gave me three keys. She told me that these were the keys to unlock the true power of woman, the powers of "Divine Being" ,"Divine Connection" and "Divine Knowingness"
This was several years ago and the meaning and purpose of the meditation has become clearer and clearer as my work with women has continued. In my search to understand the keys, the meaning of the first key has defined itself.
The key of Divine Being rests in this single most empowering concept: We chose to be women!
Let this sit with you for a minute or two. We chose to be women.
As I have delved deeper and deeper into our metaphysical being, I have come to see and understand that before we are even born, when we are still pure Spirit, we decide what form we want to take this lifetime - male or female. It is one of the first choices we make for the life we are creating. This information has come from working with women who are trying to conceive and during our sessions I have been able to connect with the Spirits of their soon-to-be child and learn from these Spirits what our process is. The choice to be man or woman is one of our first choices.
And in making the choice to be woman, we are inherently empowered. It is our Divine Being. This is the first key to unlocking the true power of women.
Everything that says we are less, or limited, or unequal is a manifestation of the Masculine Principle, the energy force that currently informs most of the worlds law and religion. Masculine Principle does not mean 'man', it is an energy construct comprised of linear thinking, control and outward focus of energy.
Although we live in the environments we find ourselves, the key of Divine Being, can and does empower you from within. Knowing that you are a woman because you choose to be, can give you the power to say 'no thank you' to the laws, rules and restrictions which are man-made. We are not less, we are not limited, we are Divinely Woman!
We have many gifts and attributes that come with this choice and in future posts I will explore these with you.
But for now, let the notion that you chose to be a woman radiate through your entire being - your body, your energy field, and be sure to let me know if and how this changes how you walk in your world.